
508 7 9

OC belongs to wavestar123


Fits with her tribe, good for a Nightwing. However, it's a bit weird for two 'r's beside eachother, and Nightwings would Usually name a dragonet 'Starbender' or 'Starshifter'.




So many Female's

Sexuality:Still undecided

Best wishes to her


Okay :3

Queen she supports:Queen Glory

Odd saying she lives no where near the rainforest but, uh, okay?

Looks:She's a very dark purple colour, with a very light purple under belly, the stars under her wings are a light golden colour, and make spiral patterns, there's a silver band around her front left leg, and she had dark blue eyes, her body is small and fragile, and her claws are completely black

Like the detail about what her star patterns are, and about her claws. Also purple is a very underused colour for Nightwings. It's unique.

Attires:A small bracelet that Papaya gave her when she hatched, it's just three vines that have been plaited together, but she's very protective of it

I like how her aunt gave it too her

Personality:Sweet, shy, slightly bookish (or is it scrollish, since they read scrolls, not books?), a real flower child, she has a lot of patience, and wants to work in the nursery when she's older and help welcome all the little dragonets into the world

Sorry to Say but this personality isn't really, unique? It's overused. And you need to add more flaws.

Backstory:Her real mother discovered an ancient scroll, and she discovered that for a NightWing to have real powers, they must be born under at least one of the three moons, so she took her egg and left it at the edge of the rainforest, but, unfortunately, Wave found the egg and took it back to the hybrids 'camp' with her. It was a warm night when Starreader hatched, so Wave was sleeping close to the exit of her den, a few meters away from the two moons' light, so although Starreader doesn't have proper powers, she has extremely vague visions that represent the future, and sometimes hears small snippets of what others are thinking. As she grew up, the small NightWing stayed close to Wave, Papaya, and Eagle, never more then 10 meters away (normally at least 5 around Eagle, as she discovered his hate for clingy dragons). As she reached 3 years, she developed a love for history and the 7 tribes, and began to read about those subjects, she started making necklaces, one for each tribe, and figurines, one of each famous dragon she could remember, and sometimes, when she's feeling particularly brave, she gets Papaya to play with them with her, acting out historical events, or sometimes making up things she believes should have happened. On her fourth hatching day, she met a young IceWing named Cristal, who had ran away after her brother had died in the Diamond Trial, she eventually became friends with the young IceWing, and they are rarely seen apart.

Her backstory is a little, bland? Nothing really exciting happens. It's differnt then most, but still pretty, bland.....

Occupation:She's currently a dragonet, but she wants to be a caretaker for the hybrids when she's older

Goes with her personality, I like that. It doesn't clash with the other factors of her character.

Residence:The hybrid 'camp'

Make sense

Parents:Wave (adoptive mother, Sea/Sand/RainWing, alive), Eagle (adoptive father, Sky/SandWing, alive)

Aunt:Papaya (Sea/Sand/RainWing, alive)

When telling someone, you might want to add her grand parents too. Just a suggestion

Friends:Papaya (yes that is her aunt, she struggles with making friends), and Cristal (IceWing, alive, her name means crystal in French, I wanted to give her name some individuality)

Do dragons even speak French? But hey I'm not reviewing Cristal. I like that she struggles when making friend, saying that you said she was 'shy'.

Abilities:Normal NightWing things

So, no random frost breath or anything? Okay:D

Powers:On occasion, she has vague visions that represent the future (like she might see a fire burning a parrot, and that might mean a SkyWing named Flame is going to attack a RainWing named Parrot), and hears tiny snippets of others thoughts (if Clay was thinking about how much he loves cows, she'd hear something like, cow, or yummy cow)

I like that she doesn't have full powers, only vague ones. That's unique.

Hobbies:Making necklaces with Papaya, making mud figurines of famous dragons, and reading

Reading is a bit overused Hobbie, but it's okay I guess

Other:She has over fifty different figurines, and at least three necklaces for each tribe

Don't have much to say, so :3

Quote:"Sometimes, you'll find that there's still little bits of history in the present, if you just look for it"

I like her quote

Overall I give Starreader a 6.5/10. Her name is a bit werid, and her backstory is bland and her personality is overused, but other then that she's good.

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