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A/N: Hey everyone! If you hadn't noticed, the sign ups are currently closed.

The holidays are coming up and it's a busy time for me, so I probably wouldn't have updated this book for three+ weeks. Which is why I'm updating this book two-three times a week now to get through the seven OCs I have left, so I didn't want any new ones coming in.

They'll be open again the week after New Years. Thanks for understanding!


OC belongs to @BalizardtheIcewing78


A bit overused, but still cute.

Age: 5


Gender: Male


Sexuality: Straight


Tribes: Icewing/ Seawing (mostly Icewing, though)


Accessories: Steel earring with a teal crystal on it, shaped like an icicle. Silver necklace, given to him by his father for his 3rd hatching day, has a snowflake emblem at the front.

Appearance: Blizzard has minty-blueish scales and a pale blue underbelly. He has teal horns and Aquatic scales ( basically the only indicator he is part Seawing, though most people think they are tattoos). He has dark green wings with a bit of minty color thrown in, and is slightly tall. Has an average build (not super muscular, not super weak).

Simple, but missing a few things, like his eye colour. Also, since he's a hybrid, does he have a more IceWing build or a SeaWing build? I'm guessing IceWing, but it would be good to mention it.

Personality: Kind, tries to be brave (bravery is a work in progress, but it's okay). Funny, sometimes very sarcastic.
However, he can fearful lots of the time (hence the "trying to be brave").
He can become nervous in hostile situations, but is pretty good at hiding it and standing his ground.

Strengths: Pretty smart, funny, and sarcastic. Cares a lot about his friends and is really good at fighting. Not snobbish and mean like most Icewings.

Flaws: Stressed out lots of the time. Has a fear of the deep ocean, sometimes has a tiny grudge against Skywings (more in backstory). Very scared of being discovered as a hybrid

Likes: Scavengers, his friends, scrolls, the flute, salmon, drawing.

Dislikes: How rude lots of Icewings are, killing, the deep ocean, most Skywings, bullies.

This is very well-rounded. Don't have much to say.

Occupation: Jade Mountain student, soldier (formerly), he wishes to be a writer/ musician one day.

Aw nice.

Residence Jade Mountain Academy, Ice Kingdom, in the town of Fox Den.

Fox Den is a cool name.

Relatives: Flurry (Icewing father), Coast (Seawing mother), his long-lost sister, Ocean. Dire Wolf (Icewing Uncle, also known as Uncle "Wolffy"), unknown Seawing uncle,(don't have a name for him yet)

Dire Wolf is a bit weird, as IceWings usually only have one word names (Winter, Hailstorm, Icicle, etc)

Friends: Freeze,(female Icewing), Ocean, sister, Alligator (male Mudwing), Taipan (male Sandwing), Tiger- Lily (female Rainwing)

Crush: Tiger Lily

No mate or dragonets, obviously, (he's like Winter's age, I don't know how dragon years work).

Yeah dragon ages are weird. I also like those names.

Backstory: Blizzard's parents met in the Scorpion Den, 6 years before the War of Sandwing Succession ended. Flurry was there with his brother Dire Wolf because they had been accused of murdering 2 other Icewings during a battle, a crime they didn't commit. Coast was in the Den because she was fleeing from Queen Coral. The queen hated her family because Coast's brother had joined the Talons of Peace. At first, Coast didn't like Flurry, and treated him rudely. Coast's mother had been killed by an Icewing in the war. This caused her brother to join the Talons of Peace and one of her aunts she lived with to become an alcoholic out of depression. Her father and her other family lived with her in the Scorpion Den. It seemed Icewings had caused most of her problems. However, Flurry tried to be polite and charming. He was different from other Icewings because he had grown up in Fox Den, a secluded town in the Ice Kingdom. Fox Den is on the outskirts of the Kingdom, where lots of the poor Icewings live. Here, Icewings knew they were in no way "the best tribe." He asked Coast for a chance to prove it. Coast asked what he meant, and Flurry asked her on a date. Coast, half impressed by Flurry's guts, half amused at the thought of his plan actually working, accepted. Flurry and her talked about their backrounds, interests (Flurry liked to play the flute),ect., and Coast began to like him and let go of her hate. They became friends,Flurry introduced Coast to Dire Wolf, fell in love, and one day got married.

About a year later, Coast had Blizzard's egg. However, before Blizzard hatched, Flurry and Dire Wolf were dropped of all charges and demanded to return to the Ice Kingdom. Flurry, not wanting to leave his wife and egg, was torn, but Coast convinced him and Dire Wolf to go and told him to take their egg (Blizzard) as a reminder of her. Flurry promised that when the war ended, they would be back together again. Before he left, he had one other egg with Coast, one with more Seawing-traits who would later be named Ocean. Flurry took newly-hatched Blizzard to the Ice Kingdom. There, he raised Blizzard and taught him many things. Flurry taught him how to fight, but also how to play the flute. He taught Blizzard to respect the other tribes, no matter what his school teachers told him. One day in school he was being bullied by some other Icewing dragonets. However, a female Icewing about his age named Freeze drove them away. After he thanked her, Blizzard and Freeze became friends. Flurry loved his son a lot and calls him "my little snowflake", because of how special he was to Flurry. To symbolize this, for his 3rd hatching day, he got Blizzard a silver necklace with a snowflake on it. Blizzard decidedto be a soldier for a year (the year the war ended) to fight for his tribe. During a battle, a Skywing slashed a deep cut in his neck and caused him to ha've a permanent scar there. This gave him a small grudge against Skywings. After the war and 2nd arc ended,Blizzard was inrolled by Flurry into Jade Mountain Academy during the second part of the school year.Blizzard was nervous about being discovered as a hybrid and his clawmates not liking him. But Flurry told him that because he looked almost completely Icewing, no one would find out and that he would make new friends. Blizzard became the Icewing for the new Amethyst Winglet, and has made good friends with his clawmates Taipan, Alligator, and Tiger Lily. He especially likes her as his friend. His friend Freeze is the new Icewing for the Jade Winglet. Blizzard even knows Ocean, his own sister, but he doesn't know she's his sister yet. He is trying to make the most of it here.

I like the part about his parents, and this seems like a good set up to a story, so I can't say much here expect maybe go into detail about life growing up in the Ice Kingdom.

Abilites: Aquatic scales can slightly glow in the dark, otherwise normal Icewing abilities.


Ship Name: Blizzard Lily (Blizzard x Tiger Lily)


Hobbies: Writing stories, cooking (a new found talent of Blizzard's), playing the flute,reading, drawing, talking to his friends

These are nice but how can a dragon play a flute ???? like do they make special instruments with bigger buttons that dragons can press and how does the airflow work I am so confused.

Quotes : "If you are afraid to do something, but you do it anyways, you are truly brave."

"Be who you want to be, do what you want to do, dare to be different, encourage others to do the same. Those who put you down and tell you what to be are just plain crazy, they can't see how amazing other's differences can be."


Overall, I give Blizzard a 7/10. Work a bit on appearance and possibly on backstory, also please explain how does a dragon play a flute—

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