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OC belongs to @DiamondKittyKat

Name: Duck

I like it! Surprisingly I don't see it sounded often.

Age: 15 years


Gender: Male


Sexuality: Homosexual


Tribe: Mudwing/Sandwing

Those are two tribes you don't see together that often.

Physical appearance: Dark wet sand color as back scales, fading to a pale cream on the underbelly, with dark brown wings and an amber color for the wing membranes. Shorter and heavier set than most Mudwings.

A bit bland, try adding a few more details. Does he have the soft spikes the MudWings have or the fin the SandWings have? Also, what's his eye colour?

Personality: Optimistic, loyal to a fault, carefree, independent, extremely self-confident, self-centered, fun-loving, daring, stubborn, persistent, isn't the brightest, too easily trusting, using feelings rather than logic, lives by motto 'Live each day as though it were you're last'.

This is actually a well rounded personality! All I can say is maybe add one more flaw?

Occupation: Painter


Backstory: Duck was raised by his adopted Sib family basically. He never knew his real parents. Just that they'd left him with some other nest that had been left by their parents too. The hybrid part of him was, for some reason he couldn't get, not accepted by other Mudwings who lived nearby.
Duck originally thought he was all Mudwing, until some other Mudwing finally told him he was different, a hybrid. Duck at first denied this, until he took a good look at himself one day and gave up. He was embarrassed, thinking he brought shame to his Sibs by being a hybrid; a taboo, yet his Sibs stuck close with him through that rocky time, and with a lot of time, actions of loyalty and acceptance talks, Duck decided 'so what' if he's a hybrid. That wouldn't stop him from enjoying life to the fullest. In pure defiance of those who told him that he was a disgrace, Duck proceeded to live life to the fullest. He lived happily with his Sibs, and even discovered a love for painting.
One day while out gathering supplies for his art projects, he met a Sandwing named Cholla. Cholla criticized him for being a hybrid, but Duck was unfazed. After throwing a few taunts at him, Duck finally turned on him and said, 'You hate hybrids so much. Why are you being such a hypocrite?' Taken aback, the Sandwing than left him alone, amazed to as how he could've known he was half Skywing (the only clues being larger than average wings and a slightly redder scale hue)
Cholla began to envy Duck's seemingly carefree life, and wondered how the constant disapproval of others for being a hybrid didn't seem to affect him. Cholla began to despise him, not truly knowing he was just jealous, so every time Duck came to get supplies (every 5 days every afternoon), he'd lie in wait for him, wether it be a simple mean inconvenient trick (spilling his supplies basket and scattering contents) or a fight.
Duck's sibs were told to stay out of it, as Duck said he could handle whatever Cholla threw at him himself. Cholla began to look forward to confronting Duck every day, coming up with schemes to make his life harder or to humiliate him. Cholla wanted to bring Duck down to his level. It wasn't fair that he was so calm and accepting of it all to Cholla, who just couldn't understand.
The two had several odd adventures together (even the rare and funny scenarios where they'd get stuck in a situation and have to work together to get out of it), giving Duck the greatest stories to come home and tell his Sibs about. Duck took this all good-naturedly, not really minding Cholla's antics too much. Gradually they both began to look forward to their odd visits, becoming a sort of frienemies. One day Cholla decided he should probably stop trying to get revenge on Duck, after so many failed attempts. He stopped coming, leaving to find a job if he could. Duck noticed his absence immediately, and began to miss Cholla, much to his surprise. This sadness lasted for a while, so long that his Sibs noticed and grew worried about him. After about two months, Cholla came back, realizing he actually hated working, and would rather spend his time being a thief to get money and coming up with plots to further antagonize Duck. When Duck came back, he was overjoyed to see Cholla was back.
The two had an awkward reunion, happy to see each other but also remembering that they were supposed to be enemies. Duck finally asked Cholla if he wanted to hang out some time, other than the market place. Cholla accepted, pretending to be reluctant; and the two began to hang out more and more often on terms as more of friends rather than enemies, growing closer and closer than that soon. This is where we leave off, as his story is still continuing from here.

Aw, that's quite cute! Again, I don't have much to say. I like the name Cholla, and this backstory is good for a short story.

Residence: A small hut near Diamond Spray Delta


Relatives: Tarantula (Father) Mayfly (Mother) Elm, Gar, Raccoon, Crayfish (Adopted Sibs)

All these names are amazing.

Friends: Elm, Gar, Raccoon, Crayfish, Cholla


Crush: Cholla

Best of luck to Duck lol.

Abilities: Breathe fire whenever, hold breath for 15 mins, no poison tail, normal
Mudwing strength

This is good. I like how he doesn't have every MudWing/SandWing trait mashed together.

Hobbies: Painting, sightseeing, hiking


Overall, I give Duck a 8.5/10. Just add a few details to the appearances.

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