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OC belongs to @ExtrovertedSloth

Name: NorthernFlights

Pretty, but the capital on 'flights' isn't needed.

Tribe: Night/Ice


Age: 6 (dragon years)


Gender: Male


Sexuality: Gay but hasn't come out yet

Good luck to him!!

Physical Appearance: very, very, SHINY white scales, some with dark purple and blue tips, one light blue eye and one dark blue (almost black) eye, indigo underscales, slender but strong, wears a bracelet that was given too him by his mom when she liked him

Very simple, yet descriptive. Maybe just add in things like his height, and it should be good.

'by his mom when she liked him' poor baby.

Personality: Makes really bad puns/jokes. He is nice, funny (at least he tries to be), and brave in the sense of protecting dragons from bullies and persecutors. He's not so great about standing up for himself. He's sensitive but tries not to show it (he wants to be strong because of his mom, the queen's sister) Very overprotective of his friends, still cares about his family even though they don't care about him.

Add a few more flaws, and maybe one for virtue.

Likes: his name, bad puns, hugs, snow, theatre


Dislikes: dragons who hate his puns, blood, homophobic dragons

Same, dude. Heck the homophobes.

Backstory: His mom accidentally mated with a Nightwing and ended up having him. He was born under moons so he can partially read minds due to him not being fully Nightwing. His mom named him Northernflights on account for his ability to fly right away when he was born.  She then dumped him in another kingdom, not wanting anyone to find out. He eventually found his way back home and to his mom. She recognized him and disguised his off-color scales. Even though she despised him, NorthernFlights was still her son. she enlisted him in Icewing training (NF excelled at this). He lived there for a whole year, no one suspecting he was a hybrid. The queen (his mom's sister) banished him from the kingdom when his disguised slipped when he accidentally answered someone's question that they asked in their mind. His mom claimed she had no son and NF was adopted. NF still wears the bracelet that his mom gave him and hopes to return to the kingdom one day because he hopes his mom didn't mean what she said.

This is good for a minor/side character, but if he's your main you need to add some more details. What was it like growing up by himself for the first few years of his life in a different kingdom? How was his relationships with his bio. family other then his mom? We need more.

Relatives: Mom (Frigid), Dad (unkown name), Sister (Flurry), Step-dad (Hail)

I do like these names.

Friends: Panther, Watermelon (two hybrids he meets in the rain forest)

Watermelon is really cute actually.

Crush: None


Abilities: Fast flyer, partail mind-reading, strong


Hobbies: Theater, fighting, making bad jokes, laughing at his own jokes

'Laughing at his own jokes'. Honestly? Mood.

Other: One weakness is his hope for a family. Another is his fear of dragons leaving him. A fear he has is dragons finding out that he's gay and being all homophobic to him so he tries to hide that part of him.


Overall, I give Northenflights a 7/10. He needs work on his backstory, and a bit on his appearance and personality, overall.

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