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Baekhyun POV

I woke up excited early this morning, it's my first day being a Junior High, I'm so excited to see my prince charming again after a long vacation without seeing him, although I stalk him or should I say followed him everywhere he goes during our vacation

"Baekieeee, Kai is already here! Hurry up" my mom yelled down stairs

"Alright!! Just a sec" I yelled back as I put my stuff on my bag and went down stairs

And there I saw my tanned skin best friend aka Kim Jongin, he's been my best friend since freshmen years and we both understand each other cause we're both slow in mind and have the crush on the same section

"Hurry up! We need to wait for Kyungsoo on the school gate and you don't wanna missed your crush too" he said pulling me to exit our house

"Mooom we're going!!" I shout back before leaving our house

"Alright honey take care!" She yelled back

We wait to the bus stop impatiently cause we might missed seeing our prince charming on the first day of school, and finally the bus came. We hopped in and we're both taken aback when our eyes caught a tall white and handsome guy sitting in the middle part of the bus

"Guess it's your lucky day Back" Jongin whisper to me while elbowing me too, I blush so hard seeing my long time crush early this morning

"Excuse me! You're blocking the way, hurry up and sit" someone from our back said that made us both snap out of our flirty thoughts

And when I look at Jongin's face it was red as Rudolph's nose and when I look at where he is staring no wonder he blushed so bad, it was his crush Do Kyungsoo

"Come on Jongin" I pull him and sit at the back of the bus where we can both sight our crush

"Guess its our lucky day Jongin!" I said still staring at the back of Chanyeol and I can say I was drooling so bad

"Yeah...God he's so cute" Jongin said also drooling over Kyungsoo

We're both drown on our day dreaming when suddenly the bus stop and both Kyungsoo and Chanyeol walk out of the bus.

I quickly grab Jongin's hand and pull him down of the bus and quickly follow our crush all the way to the school

"Jongin! You think the two of them are close? Since they were in the same section since freshmen year" I slightly elbow Jongin who has his focus on Kyungsoo

"Maybe, they both have the same personality. So...maybe" he said shrugging his shoulders

"Come on, palliwah!! They're going I'm their room" we quickly jog to catch them off and when they already went in their classroom, I and Jongin peeps on the door and wait until they sit on their chairs

"Baek! They're sitting next to each other!!" Jongin whisper yelled to me

"Yes! And they're talking to each other!" I whisper yelled back to him

"Yah! Who told you losers are allowed in star section! You two went back to your low section, you're not allowed here!" I was taken aback when one of the student in this section speak to us that ruins my beautiful day

"Whatever! You're just in this section because you're good at art. I mean look at your face, it's like a coloring book. Tch! Come on Jongin" I grab Jongin's hand and about to walk out but that girl pulled me back

"You better watch your mouth twerp or you'll regret it!" She was taken aback when Jongin slap his hand away from mine

"Don't ever touch my best friend again, come on Baek it creeps me out talking to a coloring book!" He then pull me and we just laugh when we heard that girl growled of anger

When we arrived at our beloved classroom, nothing's new still the noisiest and the most messy room but at least there's no bitch in this room

"Baekieee ~" ow here she comes

"What took you so long! I miss you!" She hugged me and about to kiss me when Jongin quickly pull him for a hug

"Ow Taeyon we miss you too! Come on let's sit" I sit beside Jongin and beside the window so that when Chanyeol pass I could see him

And Taeyeon? That girl is my friend but she confesses to me last year even though she knew I am a gay and in love with Park Chanyeol but she keeps chasing me tho

A little moment our teacher arrived and start discussing but my mind is in the dream land, I day dreamed about me and Chanyeol being together hayyy what a beautiful scenario

"BAEKHYUUUUN!! ITS LUNCH BREAK! COME ON!" I was awaken from my day dream when Jongin shakes my shoulders

"Yeah, come on and Jongin-ah...I will confess to Chanyeol today"

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