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Jongin's POV

"What! Baek are you serious?" This boy is so insane, he will confess to Park Chanyeol?

"Y-yes!, and you will help me!" He said as he do his puppy eyes that no one in this world can resist

"Alright, so what's your plan?" He quickly jump cause of joy and drag me to our school's field where sports were held

"Alright, all you have to do is make him go here, I'll be waiting and that's it" he excitedly say

"Don't cry or get wasted if he reject or laugh at you" I warn him before I went off to find Chanyeol

After minutes of searching I found him on the locker room talking with MY Kyungsoo

"Ehem, excuse me c-can I ta-talk to Park for a while?" Psh wrong Jongin wrong!  Why are you stuttering

"Of course, so see you around Chan" he said before walking out leaving me with this giant, I'm jealous why are they talking and Kyungie have nickname for him

"Park, someone wants to see you he's in the school field" I quickly say without looking at him and turn my back to him and start walking away

"Tch, I have no time" I heard him say before walking away too

Why this giant elf!! I was about to went back to Baekhyun when suddenly the comfort room is calling me so I run to the nearest comfort room and set Baekhyun aside first

Chanyeol POV

Class has ended and I went to school library first before I went back home, and from library's window school field can be seen, and I saw a person sitting alone there, it can't be...

So he's the person that guy was talking about, I know him, he's been stalking me for almost 5 years now he think I don't know but I knew it, he isn't gay isn't he?

I get the book I needed and went out of the library

Baekhyun POV

"Where are you..." I whisper to my self, I skip 3 classes waiting for him to come but classes has ended he still no where around here, I stand and just decided to go home

"Why?" I was startled when a manly voice speak behind me and that voice I know it...

I quickly turn my back again to face him and yes he came, My Chanyeol

"Hurry up and speak, or I will go home" he crossed his arms and stares down to me

" kn-know...Pa-Park I..." Why can't I say it!!!  Damn it Byun you can do it!

"Tch!" He then turn his back and walk away from me

"I LIKE YOU! I LIKE YOU PARK CHANYEOL!" I cover my mouth after I shout those words, thankfully no one is around, only me and him

He stop from walking and face me again, I can see his shock expression even we're 6 meters away to each other

I lower down my head cause of embarrassment I feel, God please help me, I close my eyes tightly and crossed my fingers for a positive response

"You should not" I heard him say and again turn his back and finally disappear from my sight

"I know...but what can I do, I can't just tell my heart to stop liking you" I talk to my self and felt my heart breaking into pieces

I know to my self, he will never like me back, maybe he's straight and only has interest to girls and who will like a stupid person like me, he's too high to be reach but I will still try

I just went home and before I could went near our house I saw my mom and our neighborhood crying outside with a messy furniture outside too, I hurriedly rum towards my mom and cupped her face

"Mom, why? What's happening?" I wiped her tears using my thumbs and hug her

"Baekie, they're taking our house away, the owner of the land is getting back his land and he decided to wreck all the houses that was build in his land" she cry out and hug me tight, I look around and saw nothing but a wreck houses and crying families

Mrs. Park POV

"Emerald, look at this Mr. Kwon take back his land and demolished all houses in his land" my husband said from the living room, I put down the paddle and went to watch the news too

"He's really heartless, look at those poor innocent people, wait...I know her!" I came closer to the TV and watch closely the girl who was being interviewed

"Omg!!! Yeobo she's my best friend!!!! She's Amanda" my husband stand up too and walk closely to the TV

"Omo! Your high school friend! Her house had been demolished too? I feel sorry for her" he said went back to the sofa

"Yeobo! I have an idea! Come on grab your keys, we're going to fetch her there" his face light up too and looking me like I said the brightest idea

We quickly left the house and drive off to get Amanda after minutes of driving we finally arrived at the place, I pity everyone who's here, they look so devastated

"Emerald they're there!" My husband point at two person who is crying at the side of the road, I run towards them and tap Amanda's shoulder lightly to caught her attention, she slowly face me and look at my face, she's still pretty as ever

"Em-emerald?" She said, I nod and pull her for a tight hug and she hug me back too

"Amanda, I saw what happened, please let me help you" she was puzzled by what I said so I just continue speakimg

"I came here to fetch you and let you live with me" her eyes widens

"No, that's too much, I cannot accept that. And besides you have family and my son and I will b-" I cut her words

"You have son?" I look at the flower boy beside her and cupped his face

"Omo! He's so beautiful Amanda! Please accept my offer! My house is huge for us so it will be nice if you two live with us, please please!!"

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