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So because my first story 'youre all that matters to me' reached 4K views I will give a little spoiler of my next story...

Shotgun marriage

What if you woke up beside of the most popular business man in your country? And you were just a simple person with a simple life...

He hated you when he saw you. He call you names...he curse you...not even thinking of what you are feeling...

After saying mean words to you he just left...like nothing happened and you just went home still thinking of what's going to happen

A month later, you start to feel weird things in your body...*I wont continue this*

Your father founds out...and he quickly find that business man's house bringing his shotgun with him...

"You'll marry my son or ill shoot your head right here right now!"

Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now