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Baekhyun POV

I hop in the cab as soon as it stops in front of me, the driver seems to noticed that I'm crying because when he saw my face, his face turn into awkward expression

"Where are we going sir?" He ask and obviously he's trying to avoid looking at me

I told him the address and just stare at the different buildings we're passing by, but even though how hard I tried forgetting how mad Chanyeol look like when he left me there, still my mind keeps replaying it

And it makes my heart shutter into pieces, just by remembering his dark eyes and his low but mad tone, I can't help but to feel pang right in my chest

And tears started falling from my eyes again, even though how hard I try wiping every drop of my tears it keeps being replaced by another tear, so I just let it fall

"Are you okay sir?" The driver ask but still has his eyes on the road

"A-ah, yes I am" I manage to say even though I'm lacking of voice because of my dry throat cause of too much crying

"I know your not sir, I know it's about your girlfriend" he said again and if I'm sassy enough I already punch this guy, but I'm to lazy right now to be sassy

I just heave a deep sigh, and just stare at the window again ignoring the talkative driver who keeps blabbering about love life


Finally I'm in front of Jongin's house, away from the talkative driver that just add to my annoyance right now

I knock three times and wait for that kkamjong to open the door, and soon I heard his foot steps towards the door

"Baekhyun what happened?" He said right after he open the door and move aside to let me in

"Chanyeol left me" I said and walk towards the couch and sit there hugging one of the pillows

"WHAT!? THATS TOO SOON!" I was startled when he shouted and quickly sit beside me and grab my shoulders to turn my body to face him

"What are you talking about?" I shrugged his hands off me because he was holding me too tight

"You said Chanyeol left you! You guys just got married!!" He dramatically said and if I was not sad today I already laugh ny his frustrated expression

"Not that kind of 'left' idiot! I mean he left me alone in the hospital during my supposed to be check up" and again I remember Chanyeol's expression a while ago

It makes me hug the pillow tightly to hold my tears up and not show my tears falling again

"What? He did? Why?" He questioned and make his self more comfortable in the couch

"We argued, because I was supposed to be examined to checked how did I got pregnant, and when I already changed my clothes into hospital gown, Chanyeol didn't let me do the examination because he said he doesn't want the doctor to see my naked body, then we start arguing because I want to check our baby too and in the end he left me"

I stated and before I knew it, tears are talking from my eyes again, I look at Jongin's side, and instead of seeing a sympathy from him, he's giving me a 'I can't believed you' look

'WHY!?" I ask when he click his tongue and shake his head

"You see Baek, Chanyeol is on point, he's just protecting what is his, listen...just imagine what if other guys stare or touch Chanyeol's naked body, what will you do?"

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