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Baekhyun POV

"It's been a long time!!" This girl who who is dressed elegantly but is also riding a bus said...

My gosh, she look crazy wearing that kind of elegant clothes but chooses to ride a bus instead of taking a cab

And I was near to burst my anger here cause she's not letting go of my Chanyeol yet

"Yeah, it's been a long time how are you?" Chanyeol softly said that made me twitch my mouth 'like excuse me I'm still here'

"Oh, nothing much has changed except of me being into you" she said with a flirty tone and wink and my boyfriend after speaking

REALLY? IT'S TOO MUCH!!! 'Disgusting shit!' *lotbs*

"Stop it Dara, well how was your study?"

I instantly became invisible here, you know what I am doing? Just turning my eye balls to Chanyeol and that girl as they exchange words to each other

My 'man of few words' boyfriend become talkative in an instant, jealousy is eating me up right now....he never talk to me that long before

When the bus stop they were still talking, Chanyeol even forgot that we need to get off now he was still busy sharing words with that girl

I stood up hardly making them both turn their attention to me, I rolled my eyes to Chanyeol making him have a look of 'oh my I forgot about you'

"Excuse me!" I harshly walk pass the both of them and went off the bus not even waiting for Chanyeol, why would I wait for the one who suddenly forget about 'his boyfriend' after meeting someone... And ITS A GIRL!!!

When I'm about to open the gate I heard him call me, but I didn't bother looking back and quickly went in our house

"Oh Baekie, you're home have you eaten yet?" Auntie Emerald said when she saw me taking off my shoes

"Thank you auntie, but I'm still full. Excuse me for a while" I said and quickly went up stairs to my room and lock the door


Chanyeol POV

I really fvcked up this time, how could I forget about him...aish I hate myself now!

He went out of the bus quickly not even waiting for me, not another fight again...

"Dara, I need to go just see you when I see you again" I didn't wait for her response and quickly went off the bus too to catch up with Baekhyun

But, with a short legs he has he seems so fast cause when I saw him he was already on our gate and about to get in

"Baekhyun!! Wait up" I called him but he just ignore me and went in without looking back

When I enter the our door a grumpy and stamping feet mom welcomed me with a ladle on her right hand and crossing her arms

"What did you do this time?" She grumpily said

"Mom, I met Dara and he get jealous that's it"

"Dara? Our neighbor's daughter before?"

"Yes, so excuse me for a while mom I need to fix something up there" she just nod so I rush to Baekhyun's room and twist the door knob but it was lock

"Baek, open this door" I calmly said as I knock to his door

But not even a short response was heard behind his door so I knock non stop and as I knock non stop it's getting harder and harder knock like the door was gonna break soon

"GO AWAY I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU!" He yelled that make me stop knocking to his door

"Please just open this door, you could close your eyes just please open this door and let me say something first"

Soon the door slowly opens and reveal a beautiful disaster human. His eyes was full of tears, the eye liner he wore before we went on a date was now messy around his eyes and his cheeks too

I made him cry again...

He turn his back to me and walk to his bed again sitting there while leaning back to the head board not throwing even a single glance to me

"I'm sorry " I mumbles as I sit in front of him and reaching for his hand, he did not slap my hands away so I intertwined our hands and gently squeezed it

"Baek, look at me please? I know I did very wrong not remembering you that time" I said as I catch up his sight but he keeps avoiding mine

"Baby...I'm sorry please?"


Baekhyun POV

HE CALLED ME BABY!!! Can I squeal now? Omg I can't handle this feels anymore!!!

'No baekhyun you're hurt, you're angry' I mentally slap myself to calm my inner feels

"Who is she? Is she that important that you forgot your own boyfriend!" I exclaims that made him shook his head

"No she's not! She's just a childhood playmate of mine,'s just that it's been a long time we saw each other that's why there's a lot of things we catch up from each other"

"You have almost share to her a lot of things yet you forgot to tell her that I'm your boyfriend" I poutingly said and start playing with his long and slender fingers

"Look I'm really sorry, please? Don't be mad anymore...I promise, I won't do it again" why is he so cute right now? It makes me wanna forgive him right away and hug him so tight

"No! I won't forgive you that fast" I sassily said

"Why? What do you want me to do?" He frustrated right now and I can't help but to smile cheekily as I squeezed his cheeks making his lips become pouty

"Kiss me first" I will think I was being shameless little by little but who cares he's my boyfriend anyway

Without any word, he pull my hips closer him before crashing his lips to my lips, he soon suck my lower lip making me moan slightly and I put my hand on his nape to deepen the kiss even more, he suck and bit my lips gently but no tongue included, after a kiss that is full of feels we parted panting and forehead pressed together

"So am I forgiven now?"

"Not yet" I decided to tease him more, cause he was so handsome being frustrated to me

"Oh come on...what now?" He now leaned on my shoulder while still hugging my waist

"Hahaha I was just kidding, of course you're forgiven" I hug him back and sniff his addicting scent

Suddenly my phone rings at them same time someone knock on my door

Kim Jongin Calling...

"Babies time for dinner, go down stairs now" auntie called

"Be right there mom" Chanyeol answer and stood up

"Go first, I'll just talk to Jongin"

"Okay, don't talk too long"

"Araso, araso go now"

After he went out of my room, I answer Jongin's call

"What took you so long to answer!?" He started

"Mian, what is it?"

"Baekhyun, I need your help!! Kyungsoo's mom! She wants to meet me!"

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