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Baekhyun as nervously rubbing his sweaty hand on his pants while holding a small bouquet of flowers on his other hand

He was standing behind the huge close door of the church, in a few minutes when that door opens his life will change forever but not exactly a 360° change, but one of the changes that will happen is his surname will turn into Park

"Don't be nervous Baekhyun-ah! You will just walk in the aisle towards Chanyeol and then say your vows then finish!! So get the nervousness off!" The midget talks to his self while still waiting for the door to open

He dusted his coat as if there were dust on it and fix his posture getting ready to walk in the aisle

"Why is i--" he was about to whine because of impatience when suddenly the door creek opens that made the midget's heart beat so fast

He suddenly got stiff while waiting for the door to be open wide so that he could finally walk in

And when the door finally open wide, it reveals a mesmerizing designs all over the church... There we're flowers everywhere, there were curtains perfectly designed on the corner of the chairs and am arch all through the way to the altar... Where his stunning giant was waiting for him

Their eyes met, just as soon as their heart beat fast like it was talking to each other, he take his steps slowly while his eyes still lock with Chanyeol's eyes

When he reach the middle of the church he again look around only to see every single important person of his life...

There was his Jongin sitting beside his boyfriend Kyungsoo both having a wide smile but unlike Kyungsoo who was just smiling, Jongin on the other hand was crying out his joy for his best friend

"Uljima!" Baekhyun mouthed to his best friend who keeps on wiping his tears and just chuckle as a response to Baekhyun

He also smile to some acquaintance that his and Chanyeol's mom invited today...

And when he reach the front of the altar he look at his crying mom on the front seat and open his arms wide waiting for his mom to hug him

His mom came close to him and give him a tight warm hug before looking at his face...

"You look so handsome today baby, Mom is so proud of you, you grow up so fast" Mrs. Byun wipe the tears from Baekhyun's cheek that falls just when she approached his son

"Don't cry mom, your make up is fading..." Baekhyun said and wipe his mother's mom stop tears

"I love you baby" Mrs. Byun said before placing a loving kiss on Baekhyun's left cheek

"I lobe you too mommy" Baekhyun said and gave his mom a one last hug before turning his gaze to Park family who was also having a tears on their eyes but still smiling sweetly to him

And after a one last look to them he finally look in front again and stare at his handsome groom...

He walk towards him and stop in front of him still eyes lock on each other...

When he get a closer look of Chanyeol, he didn't expect that it was also crying while like memorizing every part of his face

"You look so beautiful" Chanyeol said between his sob that made the midget flutter and blush, he reach his lover's face and swept the tears away from it's face

"You too, you look so fine Chanyeol" Baekhyun said still caressing the giant's face

"So now that you're both here, let's start" the priest said that made the lovers face in front

*I forgot how the wedding goes so let's skip to the saying of I dos'*

"Do you Byun Baekhyun take Park Chanyeol as your husband, I'm sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer till death drew you apart?"

Baekhyun sweetly smile before looking at Chanyeol who was already looking at him

"I do father" Baekhyun says with a smile still staring at his giant's eyes

"And you Park Chanyeol, do you take Byun Baekhyun as your husband in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer till death drew you apart?"

"I will always do father" Chanyeol answered with a sincere look on his eyes that was lock on Baekhyun

"You may now kiss your groom"

Slowly they towards each other and soon their lips met... This must be the most memorable kiss they shared to each other, because this kiss was one of the sign that they both shares their loving I do's in front of God.

When they parted, the crowds begin to clap and cheer for the newlyweds couple

Chanyeol pulls the midget for a bone breaking embrace which the latter returns back

"I never knew getting married to someone you love feel so wonderful that I wanna stop the time and just stares at you" Chanyeol said before pulling apart from the hug

"Too much cheeziness Chanyeol" Baekhyun shyly said with a tinted cheeks

"Okay couples please look here for a picture"


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