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Baekhyun POV

After that heart breaking moment well I can't let my mom see me on this kind of state so I fished my phone from my pocket and decided to make an excuse to her

To: Mom
Mom, I'm sorry I can't make it there I'm really sorry it's just that something came up, forgive me mommy ~

I pressed send and when it was sent I put it back on my pocket and start walking into random direction , I really don't know where to go now

Not another minute my phone beep and so I grab my phone again and read the message

From: Mom
It's okay honey, Heechul's girlfriend came to visit here and decided to help us so no need to worry, just take care of yourself okay? Love u baby!

I smile after reading the sweet message of my mom, she never fail to make me feel better

I was still staring at the message when somebody from no where grabs my phone from my hand

"Yah! That's m-" I was about to complain to that person but when I saw his face I quickly shut my mouth and turn my back ready to walk away

"Wait!" He grab my arm making me turn around and face him again

"What do you want Chanyeol!!" I yelled at his face and pulled back my arm

Instead of answering back he just smile sweetly? to me making me frown in confused

"Aaaah~ you're gonna rant about your fiance again? And make me cry agai? And then let me run away broken" I sarcastically said with an annoyed expression

But you what's make me more annoyed? It's his grinning face...his smile never left his face like duh who won't get annoyed with that? I was being mad here yet he's just grinning like a creepy man

"You know what? Have your own life and leave me alone like you wanted and go back to your beautiful, sexy and girl f--"

I was shock? No!! Stunned and shut when a pair of lips pressed against mine, it was a moist and sweet lips I ever tasted

I was still in a state of processing when I felt his lips moved and saw his eyes closed like feeling every movement he's making

And without me knowing, I'm slowly closing my eyes as I respond in every movement his lips' doing and with a second our lips moves in sync

In a second all those words, those painful words we had said to each other faded, in just a second all the pain inside my heart vanished, in just a second everything around us felt like a garden that only us was there and with just a second everything I felt about him comes back

I don't care of anything right now... What I'm only thinking right now is I'm going to seize this moment, this moment where Chanyeol is mine again...

I circle my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me and making our passionate kiss deeper, and I feel a pair of long arms circles on my hips slightly lifting me making me tip toed a little

After I guess five minutes of kissing we both pulled back panting and catching our lost air and forehead pressed together and eyes closed

"You talked too much" he said after I think finally get his breathing back to normal

I keep my eyes closed feeling his hot breath fan to my nose and lips

"Open your eyes Baekhyun" he softly said so I slowly open my eyes and that's when I my eyes met his brown almond shaped eyes staring directly deep in my eyes

"Chanyeol, i- I have t-to go" I got back to my senses caused I know it was wrong he just told me that he's engaged and that means he will be married soon, so that means if I tried getting him back again I will look like I'm a home wrecker...

"Baekhyun, listen first" he hold tightly on my waist and I have no other choice but to look at him again

"Chanyeol, this is wrong j-just go back to yo-your fiancé" I stuttered cause I know soon my tears will fall down again

"I don't have too, if you agree on marrying me" he straightforwardly said making me stunned and look at him with a wide eyes

"M-marry? I? You?" He nodded with an wide smile on his face

"Marry me Byun Baekhyun"

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