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Since this story reached 2k views, I will double update todaaay ~


Chanyeol POV

"Chanyeol aren't we there yet?" This smurf complains for the fifth time now...

"I told you it's eight hours away from our house, and it's only been an hour since we left so calm yourself you smurf" he groans and shifted his self to face the window of the bus

Anyway, guess what it ends up only me and Baekhyun can make it to our province, well I already expect this to happen...

Mom and Dad went to an unexpected business trip and you all know that my sister has work and his boss didn't let her have a break

"I wished I bring Jongin with me" he mumbles like a child

"Hey! Jongin isn't your pet, and besides let him have a quality time with his boyfriend"

"I'm just so nervous Chanyeol ~ especially right now that auntie is not with us" he dramatically state with a frustrated tone

"Why don't you just sleep, since we still have seven hours of waiting till we get there" I fished my book from my bag and start reading it

"So you will just read books the whole ride? Notice me ~" as usual these puppy cutely slash annoyingly snuggles on my arm trying to get my attention

"I told you to sleep Baekhyun" I said still looking at my book

"But I'm not sleepy! Fine, ignore me" I can't help but to smile by his childishness, he start scrolling and tapping on his phone now fortunately

Not a even a minute he start giggling while texting? Or reading something on his phone... I'm getting curious now as he continue giggles like he's reading something sweet

I simply peek at his cellphone's screen hoping I could read any of the things that made him giggle

From: Heechul
I really have lots of story I need to tell you, omg I can't wait to see you again

To: Heechul
Don't worry I'll go there right after I step on Seoul again...

He was about to press send button but I snatch his phone from him to delete what he have type

"Yah! What are you doing! Give it back!" He try snatching his phone back but with just raising it he definitely can't reach it anymore

"Lower down your voice, we're in a public transportation, and no! I won't let you use your phone again, no texting or anything related to phone starting now"

"Why!? You don't wanna be disturb yet your the one who's disturbing me!" He still try to reach for the phone but I'm still raising it up

"So I'm a disturbance to you?" I seriously act that made him stop reaching for his phone

He was about to open his mouth to speak but I quickly handed him his phone still trying  to act serious

"Fine go text him, I won't disturb you again" I open my book again and pretend that I'm reading even though I'm not

"Ooooh ~ look who's being grumpy now" he slightly throw his phone beside him and snuggle on my side

"If I know you were just jealous ~ come on... Just admit it" he covers my book with his hand and turn my face to face him with the use of his other hand

"You're jealous right?" He grins widely as he lean on my shoulder leaving few inch between our faces

"What if I am?" I ask and nuzzle my nose to him

"Don't be, because I only have my eyes on you, same as my heart only beats for you" he cheezily say that make me blush

"Too much sweet talks, come here" I pull him closer to me and make him lean on my chest near the crook of my neck and place my head above his smooth hair

"Do you think they will like me?" So he's still thinking of my grandparents?

"I don't know, just be yourself Baekhyun... They will surely see the thing that made me fall for you" I hug him tighter and closer to me

"Let's just sleep for now" I yawn and lean my head comfortably to his head again

"Okay, but kiss me a goodnight first" he look up to me and pointed at his lips

I smile before leaning to give him a short kiss, and by that he snuggles to me again... Such a cute puppy of mine


This is a boring chapter I'm sorry, but I assure you next chapter will be better than this... Goodnight guys ~❤

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