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Bare with this long chapter guys! It's really long 😂😂😂 but it's worth reading so please bear with it...

Baekhyun POV

So just like what I expected we ended up eating with these two annoying flirty girls...not to be judgmental but you can really tell that they're trying to impressed Chanyeol, like duh it won't happen!!! Never in their wildest dream

"Where are you two going next?" Brianna speak that I really can't understand in fact that I can't understand English, they speak too fast too that make me puzzled so much

"We're going to stroll in the city them head back to the hotel" Chanyeol answered that I didn't understand too, but I was always impressed when he speaks other language it made him more attractive

"Ohhh ~ can we come?" Blaire interfere with a high tone that made her look more annoying in my eyes

"Chanyeol what are these two saying to you?" I patted his tigh to have his attention

"They we're asking if they could come with us" again!!? Are they really planning to stick with us in our whole honeymoon!

"Don't they have plan on their own?" I gtumpily ask that made those two girls look at me I'm confused

"I could tell them that they can't come with us if you don't want to" he grab my hand under the table and squeeze it lightly

I just sigh in annoyance and just stand up from my chair cause I already lose my appetite

"Just let it be and let's go" I lazily said and walk out without waiting for them


On their strolling Baekhyun was walking in front alone while the other three was behind just following the smaller's way

While the two girls are busy talking random things to Chanyeol, the giant was busy staring at his husbands back 

After almost half an hour of walking they decided to went back to their hotel rooms and finally the couples are freed the two annoying girls

Right after the couples went in their room the both of them sigh deeply because of tiredness and a bit of frustration

Baekhyun who was mad the whole strolling went in their bedroom and slammed his self to the bed because Chanyeol never did something to spend time with him

"Baekhyun" a deep serious voice echoes in the bedroom but still the smaller pretended to be asleep

"Stop ignoring me and get up there" the giant went the edge of the bed and crosses his arm waiting for his husband to get up but he still gain no response

"Park Baekhyun!" He firmly said and soon the midget harshly sit up glaring at the giant in front of him

"What do you want!" Baekhyun yelled that startles the giant

"Why are you yelling at me" Chanyeol ask and Baekhyun just stand up and made his way to the bathroom but before he could enter the door a hand pulled his wrist back

"Why are you being like that all of a sudden!" The giant frustratingly ask looking down into his husband that has am anger expression all over his face

"Why? You ask me why? Then I will tell you! We must be spending time together because it's our honeymoon but then what did you do a while ago? You just let me walk by myself and didn't even bother finding ways to spend time alone with me! You choose to entertain those girls while I was all walking alone"

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