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Chanyeol POV

I heard his scream after left my room, I hear his sob too, I felt bad I felt guilt as long as I want to barge inside my room and hug him something is really stopping me...

Even I myself don't know what's wrong with me, that night when I fetch him on their resto I started to get annoyed to him, not because of his appearance but his closeness to everyone that he meet

I know, that guy was into him and I can't help but to get angry about him and I know I am stupid to be like this to him... I really don't know too

I'm confuse, and later that night I was about to say sorry to him for being that way but I found him already sleeping and when I was about to walk to him his phone beep, and out of my curiosity I grab his phone and read the message

From: unknown number

Hey! Baekhyun, it's me Heechul... Well I just want to thank you for spending time with me, and oh can you come to your resto often? It's so sudden but I wanted to know you more! So goodnight"

After reading it I almost crashed Baekhyun's cellphone because of my anger, before I could do anything more I place his phone down and quickly get out of his room

So since that night I started not to talk to him, and ignore him even though it's hard...

That day when I saw him at the cafeteria, I saw nothing but pain in his eyes, I almost slap myself from what I did, I wanted to follow him when he walk away but a big jerk I am I just stand there and let him walk away...

And yeah, this night I left even though my boyfriend is crying mess inside my room, tell me who's more idiot than me tonight?

When I arrived at school, the party was starting so a loud boom of music welcomes me, and guess what out of all these happy happenings, nothing can make me happy because I feel like something is missing I feel like I needed something more than this

"Okay settle down for now, the time has come!!! We will announced the King and Queen of the night" after three hours of party the MC finally speak again

"So let's start with the King...who do you think it would be?" And the students start to cheer different names of their bet

"Okay!! Okay!! So...the king is!!!! Park Chanyeol of star section!!! Congratulations" so some students started pushing me to the stage and when I got on the stage they place a crown on my head

I started to feel uncomfortable and roamed my eyes to the crowd thinking if Baekhyun, I was lost in my thought when suddenly a loud chant of 'Kiss Kiss Kiss' snap me out of my thoughts

And when I look at my side, Nana was standing she's the Queen of the night

She shyly smiled at me and face me looking straight at my eyes

I step closer to her until there was just few inch away between our faces, don't get me wrong I am not going to kiss her, I was just going to whisper something to her until I saw a familiar figure in my peripheral view so I quickly look at that side and found my Baekhyun already running away...

"Shit!!" I hissed before taking off the crown and put it on random person and start running after Baekhyun

He might misunderstood what he had saw... Idiot Park you're such an idiot!!!

When I run outside the school  and roamed my eyes around hoping I could still catch him up

Unfortunately he's no where to be seen now, I quickly hired a cab and right after I get in the cab I fished my phone from my pocket and wishing Baekhyun's gps was on

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