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"Baekhyun-ah isn't this foods too much for you?" Jongin can't believed on what he is seeing, because his best friend ordered two servings of bibimbap three pieces of large part of a chicken and a one large fries with a up sized drink

"Wae? I'm hungry that's why! And besides I used to eat this much so what's wrong?" The smaller reasoned out and place his foods on their table and sit in front of his best friend

While Kyungsoo and Chanyeol just stare at the food mania Baekhyun who start stuffing his food in his mouth like he's been hungry for years

"Baekhyun slow down!" Chanyeol warns when Baekhyun tries to fit large amount of food in his mouth that almost choke him

"You eat much before but never that way" Jongin said in disbelief while shaking his head sidewards

"What's wrong with the way I eat? I just want to taste these foods inside my mouth together, because it taste good, you must try it" and Baekhyun scoop a spoonful of rice and put chicken above it and a piece of fries

He guide it in front of Jongin's mouth trying to feed the male but he refused it

"It looks weird Baek! You even put kimchi on your rice that probably taste weird than I think" the tanned male said and avoid the spoonful food from Baekhyun

"Tch! Just say you don't want to you talkative burned man!" And instead of insisting it to Jongin, Baekhyun again stuff the food in his mouth

"Chanyeol do you happen to take him to doctors?" Kyungsoo suddenly ask only audible to be heard by Chanyeol while the other two was busy arguing on their sides

"Why would I?" The giant confusingly ask to the owl eye guy

"You should, because base on what I observed right now your husband might be pregnant or something..." A statement from Kyungsoo that brings a sudden jolt all over the giant's body making him stop from eating

"What are you talking about? He can't be...he's a he Kyungsoo" he defended confidently after shoving away the jolt he felt

"But maybe inside he's a she, you see I've read so many books about male pregnancy Chanyeol because my uncle was one of those rare male who got pregnant"

Chanyeol almost choke with his food when Kyungsoo explains those things to it's possible

Chanyeol continue on taking in Kyungsoo's words until the owl guy speak again

"You should confirm it soon, because male pregnancy was never a joke it might cause lots of pain and worst it can cause death to a male just like what happens to my uncle"

And a sudden crampling on his chest was felt by Chanyeol after hearing the word death

"Where am I going to take him?" He quickly ask because he was right now panicking inside with the mixed of fear, nervousness and lots of thoughts in him

"Just observe him first for two days and if happened that he still eat weird mixed foods and he has a mood swings or a morning sickness like vomiting and head aches, that confirms it and bring him quick to an obgyn for a better answer to your questions"

He nodded with the guy's suggestions and just stares at the air still thinking if it is possible for his husband to get pregnant, and they just did it once...

"Chanyeol I'm asking what are you two talking about? And why are you staring at Kyungsoo?" He was back to his senses when the midget shake his shoulder

Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now