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Baekhyun POV

I waited for him to answer or respond to my statement, but I receive nothing but silence and tight hug from him

"Chanyeol, please forgive me for leaving you... I never mean it, it's just that I'm afraid you'll leave me someday and build family with someone else,I'm sorry please come back to me"

I cry as I pushed myself closer to him and snuggle my face closer to his neck

"I'm sorry... But I can't Baekhyun"

His voice nd words echoed to my ears as it hit my heart causing it to pump rapidly and painfully

"Y-yah! Park Chanyeol! I already said you want me to kneel down here!" I whines and get down on my knees with load of tears in my eyes

I can't believed it's this painful it feels when I did the same thing to him, it's like a reverse of what happened almost a week ago

"Baekhyun-ah, get up there please" he pleaded but I refused and just shoved his hands that's trying to pull me up

"I'm not getting up here till you came back to me!" I stubbornly said and look up to him with a pleading and sorry eyes

He bit his lips trying to control his tears from falling... I grab his hands and grip on it tightly

"Please Chanyeol... Please!!" I kissed and squeeze his hand as I continue to please or should I say beg for him

"I'm already engaged Baekhyun" I choked by my sobs when I heard him speak this words

I got stiff as I stare up to him with tears continue falling from my eyes, all I can hear now is my shuttered heart that was nearly popping out from my rib cage

"I-I'm sorry" he said and look away from me, I just nodded and fake a smile while still breaking inside

I stand up and guess what I stumbled and fall back on the floor again causing my hips to hit the floor hard enough to leave a stingy feeling on it

He quickly bent down grabbing my arms and checking if u was okay, so I quickly shoved his hands away and fake a smile to him

"B-Baek are you o-okay?" He worriedly asked and tryimg to reach me again but I hurriedly stands and dusted my pants

"I feel enough pain that it makes me numb making me not to feel pain anymore" I ranted biting my lips and took a step back

"Baek...I--" he was about to speak but I raised my hand facing my palm in front of his face to shut him up

"Stop Mr. Park Chanyeol, so if you'll excuse me cause my mom needs me now"

I formally bow at him before turning back and walked away from him....

"Now I know how it feels... I'm sorry too Chanyeol" I said in my mind


Chanyeol POV

watching him fades from my sight the most painful thing I felt in my whole life, why am I so coward!! Why did I let him slip away from me again!! Why am I so idiot and hurt him again!!!

After that I went straight to nearest place where I can be alone, to a place where I can let out all my feelings  and where I can think properly

I was sitting in a bench located in this place it's a quiet and peaceful place there's no lots of peoe here and there we're lots of tall trees that's making the air fresh and good to inhale

I was enjoying the sight not until my eyes caught a familiar figure not too far from where I am sitting

I decided to stand up and went near the familiar figure... And when I'm near I'm absolutely right that I know who's this person

I smirk with the sight I am seeing, I came closer to them and stand right in front of them

"So...I guess its your boyfriend?" I naughtily asked raising one of my brows and crossing my arms

"I- uhh Ch-Chanyeol what are you doing here?"

"I should be the one who's asking that, I thought you already went to your dad?" I questioned making the guy beside him become confused

"Babe who's this guy?" Finally he spoke making Mabel panicked

"B-babe he's just a friend...please excuse us f-for a while" she quickly grab me and drag me away from the boy

"Friend huh?" I smirk right after she stop dragging me and let go of my wrist

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?" She whines like a frustrated old lady

"Just be straight forward Mabel, we're only engaged but you're already cheating on me?" Don't get me wrong I'm not jealous or something it's just that I want her to say the truth so I have a valid reason to break free from her

"I'm not cheating on you! And please! Don't act like you care cause I know you don't, and we're already in a relationship before my dad decided to pushed me to marry you"

She ranted with lots of gestures making me raised my brow again

"Well, so I guess no need for the marriage?" And with that she quickly turn her head to me with a panicked expression

"No! My dad can't know about this! He will sue me to death!!! Please oppa no!" What's wrong with this woman she's that afraid to her dad? That she chooses to marry me instead of being with her boyfriend

But that's what I did too...

"Oh okay, then let me tell your boyfriend that I'm not a friend but a fiancé " I was about to walk to her boyfriend but as quick as flash she grabs my arm to stop me

"You can't!!! I can't afford to lose him" she faintly said said still gripping on me

"You need a lot of thinking Mabel..." I pull my hand back and pat her head before leaving that place

Now everything is easy for me...

Just wait and see


So guys I'm sorry for slow update, I'm losing ideas on how I will continue this story, I guess I'll just end this soon...

What will I doooooooo ~

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