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The giant seems not regret the words he had spoken, it made the midget narrowed his eyes and knitted his eyebrows

"You!" And not thinking twice he push Chanyeol with full force causing the giant to stumbled and almost fall from its seat

"Yah! Why did you push me!" Chanyeol whined as he sit properly again while touching his chest that almost pop out because of too much surprise when the midget pushed him

"How could you say mean words to me!" Baekhyun whine and a mark of tears was already forming around his eyes

"I didn't!!" Chanyeol defended in a panicke seeing Baekhyun's tears forming

"You could've said that I grew bigger instead of saying that word!" Out of anger the midget start to cry silently to not get all the attention of some passenger

The giant sigh deeply and tightly closed his eyes because of frustration

"Okay, I'm sorry" Chanyeol said and try to hold his grumpy husband's hand who instantly slap his hand away

"Come on not a fight again, listen I said it in a good way and be thankful that you're fa-- I mean bigger because that also means our babies were growing healthy... Hmm so don't be mad anymore" he almost cutely said trying to console his over sensitive pregnant husband

'He's right, our babies must be growing healthy too' Baekhyun mumbles to his mind and slowly turn to face Chanyeol

"I'm sorry hmm, I won't call you that anymore, I promise" the giant pleasefuly said and pull Baekhyun closer to him

"Kiss me first" the midget suddenly said out of the blue

"Baekhyun we're in public" Chanyeol whisper softly not wanting to offend his husband again

"Just a peck won't hurt, or you're just ashamed of me because I'm f--" he was shut by a pair of soft lips pressed towards his

It's just a short kiss but enough to make the midget smile cheekly and let out a small giggle

"Now shut up" the giant said and settle his one arm on the midget's waist

'I wished the word fat wasn't invented at all' Chanyeol said through his mind because of too much hatred towards that word who keep causing insecurity towards the smaller

A little while the bus stop and the two quickly went out off the bus

When they enter the school gate and walking hand on hand towards the teacher's office where they will pass their requirements, a sudden call stop them

"Bakie ~ wait up!" They both stop and look at the back where the voice is coming from

It was Jongin with Kyungsoo and Sehun jogging towards their way

And when the three reach their place Baekhyun was welcomed with a warm embrace from Jongin and a little pinch on his cheeks

"How fat you are today" Jongin said with a little chuckle, little did he know that the three around him face palm their selves and the midget in front of him have his hand in the air the soon landed on his best friend's head

"You burned man!" Baekhyun yell and quickly jog away from them and Chanyeol quickly give Jongin a death glare before following his husband

"What did I do! That hurts!" Jongin complains as he rubbed his head that had been smack by the midget

"Calling a pregnant person fat will surely caused you on the edge of death" Sehun said and click his tongue multiple times before walking away too

"Yah what do you mean by that! It was just a joke!" He yelled as he follow the tall man but he was stopped by a fake cough behind him

"Soo ~ my head hurts" he cutely complains towards his boyfriend or should I say 'soon to be husband' who was also frowning to him

"You deserved it! And I don't know if I still want to marry a bad mouthed man like you!" The doe eyed man whines and walks away from Jongin too

"Y-yah! Don't say that, I said I was just joking...Kyungsoo take that back" he calls to his being grumpy fiancé but he gained no respond

'Curse that 'FAT' word' he hissed before running after Kyungsoo


Baekhyun POV

after passing all our requirements, and after Jongin apologizing over dramatically to me because Kyungsoo gone mad to him too, we're now in a nearby restaurant eating our lunch

"So guys what university are you going to apply for college?" I ask while munching my food

"I received a scholarship in China, and I quickly accepted it since Luhan will be back in China after this year too" Sehun said and it makes me a little bit sad

"So you're leaving for good?" I ask and a mark of sadness can be heard in it

"No, maybe after I graduated I'll come back here, why? You'll miss me?" He tease making me smile

"Of course I w--" I was shut by the giant beside me who suddenly speak breaking the sweet talks between me and Sehun

"How about you Kyungsoo and Jongin where will you continue your study?" He ask and his knitted eyebrows were still there causing me to laugh internally

Since we were sitting beside each other and the three was across us, I reach for his hand and intertwined with mine slightly squeezing it to give comfort to his grumpiness

"I'll be taking an exam to Seoul University since my mom want me to study there and take business course" Kyungsoo answers

"And I will be following him there since my dad wants me to learn something about business too" Jongin answers and pull Kyungsoo closer to him making the boy blush hardly

"so flirty Jongin, but about our plan of going to the same university?" I said and teasingly throw a sad expression to him

"But I thought you said you'll be following Chanyeol too, and we talk about it too that you'll be following him and I'll be following Kyungsoo"

This shameless burned man really doesn't know how to keep a was just supposed to be our secret that we'll be following our dream man  until our college life

"Anyway, how about you two what's your plan with your life after graduation?" Sehun ask and the three of them focus their attention to us

We both look at each other like we're both asking questions to each other

Because honestly none of us talk about our life after graduation yet...

Two more chapters and it's done ~ thank you for supporting this story till this time! Thank you guys so much!

Please do support Shotgun Marriage too ~

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