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Baekhyun POV

"Amanda, I never thought you will be this beautiful even though you already have a beautiful son like you" Mrs. Park complemented my mom while we are here inside their van on our way to their house

My mom can't refuse her offer because she keep on insisting, so in the end we just meed to be thankful that my mom has this kind of friend.

But on the other hand I can't help but to get nervous because Mrs. Park said she had a son who has the same age as me, couldn't be....

"Alright we're here!!!" I was snap out of my thought when Mr. Park opens the door of the van

"Wooow" I was mesmerized by their house, it's an epitome of dream house. It was huge and the color of caramel perfectly blended to color sky blue, I wonder what it looks like inside, I was drowned with my thoughts when someone taps my shoulder

"Yes?" I said still looking at the house

"Where's you things? My mom told me to help you" I was froze in my position when I heard that manly yet sexy voice, I slowly turn my head to see if my instinct is correct

"Huwaah! What are you doing here!!" I literally shout like a girl and point at his face

"Obviously this is our house can't you read that? Park, and I am Park Chanyeol" he points at the engraved letters on their gate before getting some box in the van and get in their house

"Baekiee, palli get inside" my mom yelled, she really left me alone here?

So I made my way inside the house and I found them in the living room, I shyly walk to sit beside my mom and cling my arms to her when I finally sit

"You really have a sweet son Amanda, he look so feminine and pretty" I blush by her too much complement to me

"Yes, he's really is. And you know he likes your son so much" I choke with my own saliva when I hears my mom whisper those words to Mrs. and Mr. Park that made them widens their eyes but thank God Chanyeol wasn't here

"Mom!! That's embarrassing!" I whines and I got startled when Mrs. Park quickly sit beside me and cupped my face and smiling widely

"I knew it!! Thank God I finally found you!" I got puzzled by her words

"Tell us Baekhyun, you're always waiting for Chanyeol nearby our house during vacation right? We saw you ~" Mr. Park added that made my face turn into red as traffic lights

"I'm sorry, I'm not a pervert stalker. Please don't kicked us out of your house we have no where to go now" I grab Mrs. Park's hand and pleaded as I can

"Who told you we will? In fact....we want you for our son" she leans closer to my ear and whisper the last few words to me that made me widens my eyes

"B-but...I'm a gay" I shyly said as I lower my head down but she lifted my chin up and made me look into her eyes

"Who cares, as long as I see how much you love my son, and I really want you to be my son too, so please make my genius yet boring son fall for you"


I was laying on my own bed and in my own room, yes my mom and I are really lucky cause Parks are too kind to provide us our own room

I was in a deep thought by why do Mrs. and Mr. Park accepted me that easy, isn't Chanyeol straight? And there's no way he will like me back, he already said it to me.

"Excuse me?" I startled when someone speak and when I look at the door there's a gorgeous girl standing there holding the door knob and slightly opens the door, I quickly stand and bow to her

"Y-yes?" Why am I stuttering? I know this girl, this is Chanyeol's older sister, for years of stalking him I already know her

"Did I bother you? Sorry, By the way I just like to see you as my mom said our new member of the family is adorable, and she's not wrong cause you're really are, it's nice to meet you Baekhyun, I'm Yoora just call me noona"

I shyly nodded and hides my blushing face from her, why does she call me family member? Omg I'm screimg inside!!!

'Thank you noona" I said and smile sincerely to her

"So goodnight Hyunie" she them closes the door and I can't help but to squeal silently as I cover my face with pillow

"Ehem!" I was disturb with my squealing when someone fake cough and again I look at the door and saw him standing and leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed

"Wh-what?" Damn you Byun, don't stutters it's just Park Chanyeol, yeah Park fvckng Chanyeol who rejected you

"I just like to remind you, don't dare spread that you're living with me or us I'm our school and don't even dare talk to me again" he said and about to close the my room's door

"As if I wanted to talk to a giant elf again" I hissed and covers my self with blanket and as I heard the door close I throw the blanket and pillow to the door

"You rude and heartless giant I wonder why I even like you in the first place your so annoying!" I get the blanket on the floor and cover my self again and not knowing I already fell asleep


Chanyeol POV

Why is this midget following me? I got annoyed this morning when my mom and dad insisted to make that midget come with me to school

I walk faster and I can see that he's still following me so I face him and he them bumped into my chest that made him stop and hold his forehead and throw glares into me

"Say, why are you following me? Haven't I told you I don't want anyone to know that I'm living with you" I said as I point to his face

"Excuse me, I'm not following you as if I wanted to take the same way with am elf but fyi we're on the same house so it only means that we're taking the same way too, so cut your confidence cause it's too much, and excuse me I'm going to be late"

Seriously I just don't want to argue and I don't want to talk that much, this smurf is really talkative that he forget to put some on his mind and stop talking

He lead the way and I decided to walk slower so that I will not ride the same bus as him

I wonder how much patience I need to have to be able to live with that boy...

Honest speaking, I got bothered when confesses to me, I really don't know what to say and what to feel, I don't feel disgust or something but all I know is I don't like him saying that he likes me and I don't know why

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