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Chanyeol POV

When Baekhyun left the table, I was about to get up and follow him but Mama speaks before I could stand up

"No Chanyeol, stay here I'll follow him, spend time with Dara" she firmly said and slowly stand up and made her way out of the house

"So Cha--"

"--Not now Dara, excuse me pa I'll just go to my room" I quickly stand up not waiting for their reaction

I hardly closed the door cause of my frustration, why can't I even protect my own boyfriend, why am I even so respectful that I'll let them disrespect my own love

Why is my grandparents like this...


Hour had passed, Baekhyun is still not coming back here, I decided to go out of my room to find him

I'm about to go to the main door when I saw my grandma sitting on our sofa talking to Dara

I walk towards them and stand in front if them that make them turn their attention to me

"Oh honey, come on sit with us Dara have lots of story to tell you and I know you also have too" Mama said and tried to pull me to sit beside her but I pull my hand back

"Ma where's Baekhyun?" I asked

"I don't know" she innocently answers and signs of 'I don't care anyway' was on her tone

"Ma! I thought you'll follow him?" I almost yelled at her that made her raised her one brow

"Look Chanyeol, I don't care where that boy is and what happened to you? You're loosing your respectful manner!! Say sorry to me and sit beside Dara now!" She firmly said but none of those words insert in my huge ears, my mind was on flying thinking where Baekhyun might go

My baekhyun always fail on directions

"Chanyeol! Can't y--" Mama was about to speak but I also need to...

"I need to find my boyfriend" I quickly said and run towards the main door to start searching for Baekhyun

I start finding him in the near lake from our house but he was not there, next is in the near park, I search every corner of it but still no sign of him, I also searched in the nearest market even though it's impossible for him to go here, I search and search for him but no Baekhyun around...

"Baby please be safe" I mutter to myself thinking of danger that might happen to him, but I need to be optimistic right now, so I continue searching

Until a Police Station comes on my mind...

I quickly went on the Police Station that I know hoping that he might end up going here for some reason

And yes, he's here...

"Baekhyun" I call him with a relief tone, I was panting so badly right now just think of how far I ran but all became worth it right now that I already found him

When he saw me his eyes that is full of tears went wide and he quickly stand up to ran towards me, he embraces me like I've been gone for a long time

"I thought you wouldn't find me anymore" he cries that I couldn't understand his words anymore because of his sobs

"I can't let that happen, I will search every corner of this town just to find you....thank God you're safe" I caressed his back and kiss the top of his head

Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now