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Chanyeol POV

it's been three days since he left me, it's been three days since I last saw him, been three days since I finally feel my first heart break and it's been three days since I last came out of my room

I'm still in our province, I can't find any reason to get out of this room, I had never talk to anyone since then, I'm just too lazy to do everything

I do nothing but lay on my bed crying and sleep when I got tired. They tried to convince me to get up but what can I do? I have no energy

And I'm mad at them, it's their fault why Baekhyun left me

I breath deeply and watch the empty ceiling of my room, but why is it everywhere I look. It's his face I only see


I lazily grab my phone beside me, cause it's been ringing for the hundred times now

I answer it and just turn it into loud speaker and put it beside my head after I answer it

"Chanyeol, it's mom... How are you? Mommy miss you so much please come back home"

I nearly break when I hear my mom's sobs and cracked voice, and you know? Baekhyun and his mom moved out from our house already that day after he left me...

"Chanyeol-ah, please be strong for mom and dad... Come home now, we're here for you"

She continue and that's when my tears start falling again, how can I be so stupid while I'm breaking I also caused damage to other people now and what's worst is it's my mom and dad who is now hurting all because me

"Baby, mom will wait for you hmn? I love you" she said before the line ended

"I'm sorry mom" was all I can say


Baekhyun POV

"You know, no one can be more stupid than you" I rolled my eyes getting fed up of that words

"Yeah right Jongin! You said that to me like a thousand of times now" I slam myself to our couch in front of this nagging kkamjong

He just came here in our new apartment just to nag at me again, I wonder if Kyungsoo ever taped his talkative mouth

"Listen, you already have him and with just that reason you dump him just like that? Just think of those years we've waste just to stalk him"

He said like a frustrated mother to his son

"Yeah right, remember Jongin you also did that to Kyungsoo" I talk back that made him quiet and think for a moment

"But it's because I have reasonable reason, his mom insulted me from head to toe, but Chanyeol grandma never did that to you, she just tell you what she thinks or what she wanted"

"Wow what a good friend Jongin, tch! Enough of that nag, let bygones be bygones" I stand up and went beside him to pats his shoulder

"But you're still an idiot who le--"

"--you'll shut up or I'll call your boyfriend and say to him that we're having a thing whenever you come here" I said with a sassy tone and made him widens his eyes and later on gave me a 'I can't believed you' look

"Alright I'll shut up, but don't ever cry if you ever saw him with another person" with that I feel my heart skip beat, can I afford seeing him with someone else?

"I-... Let...I'll ju-just let it be...s-since that is what I w-wanted" I stutter cause I can't breath properly cause pain is invading my heart and it's suffocating me right now

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