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Baekhyun POV

It's only 5:30 am and I'm already awake, and our classes start on 7:00 am, well I just really need to wake up early to wait for know for my first plan

After I prepare myself I walk out of my room and walk in Chanyeol's room, finding his long body laying on his bed arms and legs spread widely

I chuckle a bit and approach the sleeping giant, I sit beside him and brush my fingers to his soft black hair, he didn't move a flich so I move my hand to his ears, which I know is the most sensitive part of his body

Not even a minute of touching it his eyes slowly opens and he let a small moans *sleep moans* life a puppy being disturb from his sleep

"Baek, what time is it? Why are you dressed already?" Gosh his morning voice is so husky that anyone would hear it will find it sexy

"It's almost 6, are you going to come with me? If yes please hurry up!!" He groans after hearing me

"It's too early Baekhyun! Please let me sleep more" he snuggles to his blankets again finding warms on it

"Fine, go sleep again, I'm leaving. I need to wait for kyungsoo so bye ~" I kiss his cheek before going out of his room, well I'm not mad for him rejecting to come with me, like who would leave for school early this morning that even the sun wasn't rising yet

I walk out of the house quietly not wanting to disturb anyone, and finally I successfully close the gate without making any loud noise

I felt goose bumps when I saw an empty dim road I will walk through, 'shit' I mutter to myself, I gulp and gathered all my strength before started walking to a terrifying road

And I'm not even too far from our house and not yet that near to te bus stop when I feel someone is following me...

I didn't bother looking back instead I walk faster than I can almost running to be honest, and my heart beating so fast cause of too much fear I am feeling right now.... But not for too long someone snatch my arms from behind

"Huwaa--mfff" before I could shout louder he already covered my mouth with his rough and stinky huge hand

"Don't yell if you want to live...God you smell good little boy ~" he whisper to my ears and I could smell alcohol from him, I am still fighting to be freed but he was too strong for my small figure

Tears start forming on my eyes as fears starts eating my entire body...

The last thing that I can think of now is... Chanyeol...

'Help me please' I mutters to my mind before I feel this disgusting old man was snaking his hand on my stomach

"Stop please" I cry but it's like that he was not hearing anything

He turned me around to face him, and right after I saw his face it's like he was drown by lots of alcohol because of his red eyes and red face that brings me nothing but fear

He slowly leans towards me and I do nothing but to close my eyes and cry everything out... But not a second I feel the loose of his grip on my shoulders

And heard a loud punch...I open my eyes and saw CHANYEOL? punching the man merciless, I panicked and quickly went to him and hug him from behind

"Stop Chanyeol..." I said between my sob just to stop him cause he might kill the man, and I don't want him to be in jail for that

Chanyeol POV

I felt his lips on my cheek before hearing foot steps fading away and finally my door shut

I groaned off frustration, why is this smurfs' so hard headed!!! I stood up from my bed and swing the curtains of my window only to see that the sun is still not rising up, and a only street lights we're causing lights on the empty road

"Aishhh! Idiot" I hurry taking a bath like a flush and with just five minutes I'm all dressed for school

I quickly went out of our house to catch Baekhyun up, and not too far away from our house I saw a man molesting a petite guy.... Wait!!! It's my Baekhyun!!!

My eyes stated to get darker, and I'm trembling cause of too much anger.... And not wasting any time I run towards that guy and grab him on his shoulder to face me and started punching his face merciless until he almost loose his consciousness

I was about to throw another punch to the guy's face when Baekhyun hug me from behind, and I feel the trembles of his body

"Stop Chanyeol..." He cries that made me stop and get my normal thoughts back, I abandoned the guy and face my broken boyfriend

"Baekhyun are you okay? " I cupped his face that is so pale cause of fear, I wiped all the falling tears from his eyes

"I'm so scared Chanyeol!!" He cry harder as he grip on my uniform tightly pulling me closer to him

I wrapped his full frame to my arms soon the trembles of his body fades but he's still sobbing making my uniform wet

"It's okay now...I'm here, I'll never leave you alone again, I'm sorry" I caressed the back of his head as I kissed his temple


"Thank you for coming...I really don't know what do to if you didn't come" He planted kisses all over my face, not minding that were on the school field, even though there's no one here but us, it's still a public place

"Yah! Stop, I already said it's my duty as your boyfriend so save the kiss later" I slightly push his pouty lips with my index finger

He just smile brightly to me making me smile back, how can someone who has traumatizing experience just a while ago can manage to smile brightly now

"By the way, don't butt in to your best friend relationship again, just let them fix their own issue if you continue interfering it might get worst again or it might lead to to danger again"

"Still!!! You can't stop me ~ I need to say sorry to Kyungsoo" he whines like a stubborn kid

I just sigh deeply before standing up and pat his cheek slightly

"Go to your class now, I'll see you later" I shuffled his hair before walking away from him

"Park Chanyeol!!! I love you ~" I turn my back to face him again just to see him throwing finger hearts to me

"Me too, I love you" I said with a wide smile on my face

I walk back to my classroom and walk straight to Kyungsoo...



I'll be updating more often now... I have finish all my school reports 😊😊😊

Ps. Sorry for the typos and grammars. You see English is not my first language

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