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Baekhyun POV

I dreamed happy things during my sleep, once I open my eyes I sneaked my hands beside me reaching for my boyfriend  but all I feel is an empty space of bed that made me sit up and look around my room but no Chanyeol van be found...

"Was last night's being happy with my dream man was just really a dream?" I mutter to my self and the fact that it was only a dream makes me wanna sleep again and continue dreaming forever

"Baek, you're awake! Hurry and prepare for school we'll be waiting downstairs ~ you have a lot of things to tell us"

I didn't noticed my mom went in my room and suddenly pushing me inside the bathroom so I have no chance to talk back cause she closed the door already, so I just washed myself up amd suit my self for school

I came down frowning being disappointed of waking up from a beautiful and so realistic dream, a sigh heavily before taking my sit beside my mom and steal a short glance to Chanyeol who was eating silently

"What's up with the long face?" Mrs. Park said as she puts food in my plate

"I wished I never wake up this morning" I mumbled just enough to make them heard it

"Why? Do you wished to never see your boyfriend again?" Mrs. Park said with a teasing smile same as my mom, and it took me a moment before getting what she had said

"Bo-boyfriend? Yo-you wasn't a dream? Chanyeol is my boyfriend for real!!?" I can't still believe it wasn't just a dream but a moment later I rose from my sit and walk to Chanyeol's side and without noting him I hug his neck and plant kisses all over his face

"Yah! Yah! Yah! Stop it!" He lightly put his big hand on my face and push me away

"Waee!!" Mrs. Park and Mom said in chorus being annoyed to Chanyeol pushing me away

"He's your boyfriend now so he can hug and kiss you whenever he likes and that's okay with us! Isn't it Amanda?" Mrs. Park said like she was stating some great lesson to her son

"Whatever, I'm going now" he stand up passing beside me and grab his bag before exiting the house leaving me behind

"Baekhyun!! Don't just stand there follow him! He might be just a bit shy now so don't frown there!" Mom said with full of motivation, so I brightly smile and grab my bag too and fortunately he's not yet that far so I easily catch him up


Chanyeol POV

I was a bit startled when Baekhyun suddenly appears beside me panting obviously because he ran after me but what got me the most is when he interlock our hands and I felt something in my stomach that made my face turn into pinkish so I pulled my hands back releasing his hand from mine

"What are you doing?" I ask looking away to avoid being caught blushing by him

"Ca-can't I hold you hands?" He ask and I can see he's hurt from what I did, and his eyes are slowly glittering that pinch my heart a bit amd made me soft inside

"Did you regret being my boyfriend now? Cause if you's fine, just sa-" before he could finish speaking with a cracking voice that I know he's about to cry, I pulled his hand and embrace his frame fully

"No...I will never regret that, don't cry please, tears doesn't suits in your face...forgive me, Im just not used having a boyfriend and I told you don't expect to much from me"

I caresses the back of his head as I hug him tighter, why do I love the warmth of his hugs, I slowly pull out from our hug  before looking directly to his eyes and nuzzles the tip of our nose together

"Come on now smurf we're going to be late" his lips slightly curved forming a cute smile that I can't help but to leave a peck on his lips before walking again

"Yah! What was that for?"

"Good morning kiss? Stop talking and help your short legs walk faster we only have 30 mins left"

"Can I hold your hand now?" He said while trying to walk as fast as me that cause him to walk-run instead

"Don't be too clingy Baek, we could be sweet at home but not in public okay?" My words causes him to pout and click his tongue

"Okay! But your my boyfriend now and till I die!" I said like he's making a command well that makes him cute tho

"You don't want to marry me? Just a boyfriend all your life? Well not so bad I could marry someone el-"

"NO! You cant!  I waited for five years just for you to noticed me, so yes I'm going to marry you and you're not finding anyone else but me!"

He firmly said before stepping in the bus he never failed to amused me by his childishness...


Baekhyun POV

Me and Jongin was currently eating at the cafeteria and yes I already told him about me and Chanyeol well at first he don't believe me cause he thought I am telling him my dream again but then he confirmed it when we met Chanyeol on the comfort room few hours ago and Chanyeol didn't resist when I hug him amd that made Jongin believe with my story

" was you and Kyungsoo?" I ask while muching my food

"Well, he's still not my boyfriend" he sadly said

"Why? I thought you made him agree to your date last time so what happen?"

"He said he will only agree to be my boyfriend when I made myself be listed to the bulletin board, so that means I need to eat books for weeks from now on" he sigh deeply making me chuckles cause knowing Jongin? We will choose stalking Kyungsoo rather than studying

"Well, good luck and teach yourself not to be distracted to your tutor slash future boyfriend my dear Jongin ~"

"Baek, that's Chanyeol right? Hes with Nana!!"

Jongin said that made me stop eating and look to the direction he is boyfriend walking together with a girl!!!!!

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