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Baekhyun POV

"Mom ~ Im hereee!" I called right after I entered our resto

There were only few costumer this day because its weekdays anyway and I decided to visit my mom since I barely see her at home

"Ohhh my beautiful son is here" she welcome me with a warm embrace and kisses

"Mom have you eaten yet? You look so tired" I wiped the droplets of sweat on her beautiful face

"I already have honey so no need to worry" she made her way to the kitchen again and I just follow her like a puppy

"Mom who is that guy?" I pointed at the guy who was serving some costumer its wierd because its my first time seeing new people here

"Ahh! I forgot to tell you he's Heechul I hired him cause he told me that he needed money in helping his mom" I just nodded and approach the said guy

"Excuse me ahm hello I'm Baekhyun, Amanda's son" I stretch my hand to reach his and he gladly accepted it and smile widely to me

"Nice to meet you I'm Heechul, I'm the new staff here" he stated as we shook our hands together


After all the costumers were gone and its time for the resto to be closed I decided to stay for dew more hours to talk with Heechul, he's really is a nice guy...

I have known that he is just 2 years older than me and he was on his college now taking up architectural course

I was inspired by his determination on his dream, like isn't it amazing that for someone who is studying a hard course will still manage to work

We continue talking some random things until someone patted my shoulder, when I look back to see who was it I saw my giant gorgeous boyfriend standing at my back


Chanyeol POV

Baekhyun was out to went to his mom today he told me that he'll be there the whole day and just came back home with his mom after their resto was closed

Its almost midnight but they're still not coming home...I continue looking at my phone waiting for his text or call to me

"Where are you..." I whisper to myself still staring at my phone

Fifteen minutes have pass and I just quickly grab my jacket and went down stairs

"Mom I will just fetch Baekhyun" I bid to my mom before finally stepping out off our house

I really don't know where their resto is because Baekhyun have never brought me there before so I used google map to find it and thankfully I found it

Not for too long on riding a cab I already arrived in front of their mini resto, the sign 'closed' was already posted there but the lights inside was still on

I made my way to the door of it and look inside first to see if there was someone in there...and there I saw my Baekhyun talking to a guy

I feel something in my chest thag I couldn't explain I don't know if it is anger? Pain? Or I don't know really

I just decided to went in since the door was still unlock and I gueas they didn't notice me going in

"Oh Chanyeol whag brings you here? We're already going home. Do you wanna eat something?" Auntie Amanda said when she saw me

"No its okay auntie I just came to fetch you and Baekhyun"

"Is that so? Okay just let me finish counting this money and oh Baekie was there" she pointed at the two guy who has their own world

When I approach them they were still drown on their own conversation not until I patted my boyfriend's shoulder

He quickly look back to me and smiles brightly when he saw me

"Chaaan! You're here ~" he stand and gave me a warm embrace that I really missed the whole day of not being with him

I look at the guy he was talking to a while ago and I noticed that he avoided the view of me and Baekhyun was hugging

"Its already late why didn't you even texted me" I mentioned as Baekhyun pulls away from my hug

"Sorry I helped mom here so I forgot and by the way this is the new staff here, he's Heechul and Heechul this is Chanyeol" he introduces and we both just look at each other and nod

"Uhh Baekhyun I have to go my mom maybe waiting for me so see you~" the Heechul guy said before walking to Auntie to bid his goodbye and finally walking out of the resto

"Yah! You didnt even shake hands with him!" Baekhyun scolded right after that guy disappear

"I don't care you didn't even introduced me as your boyfriend to him. And never go here again without me" I calmly said yet with a bit of annoyance

"Honey let's go" Auntie Amanda called us

"Alright mom" he said and pull my hands but I swiftly pulled it back, he look at me with a confused and hurt look but I just walk pass him and walk out off the resto


Baekhyun POV

I dont know what I did, Chanyeol suddenly become cold to me and he was really not talking to me the whole ride to our home

I tried holding his hands but he will just simply pull his hand back and look away to me...

It pains me when he's acting like this...

What did I do?


Double update? I just feel like writing today but this one was shorter  hahahahaha. Goodnight ~

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