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Exordium Manila later 😍 my feels ~ hahahahaha


When they left the hospital, they went straight to an ice cream parlor to buy the chocolate ice cream Baekhyun wanted to eat

After taking their order they sit in the nearest chair they saw and start eating their ice creams

"Chanyeol-ah, do really want to have child?" Baekhyun begins because he still saw a mark of sadness in his husband's eyes

"If you can't get pregnant then having no child will still be okay, as long as I have you" the giant answers making Baekhyun's heart flutter causing him to smile

"But there were many ways of having a child" Baekhyun says trying to cheer up his husband

"Ways? Like insemination to a woman?" Chanyeol suggest that causes Baekhyun to be in deep thought

"Insemination? W-woman? Chanyeol...y-youre not planning on having s-sex with other p-person don't y-you?" Baekhyun became nervous on what Chanyeol have suggested because in his thought insemination is having intercourse with a woman to make it pregnant

Chanyeol mentally laugh at his husband's reaction, because he can also read what's on this midget's mind, seeing Baekhyun cutely reacts makes Chanyeol want to tease him more

"It's not least we can have a child that has my genes" Chanyeol seriously said but deep inside he was laughing because the midget's face was turning red because of anger

'Yah! Park Chanyeol I won't let that happen!!! I...y-you...I-I thought you said I w-was enough"

From anger Baekhyun's tone became sad thinking Chanyeol really want to have a child that much and by the thought of Chanyeol having sex with another person breaks him inside

Chanyeol chuckles and reach for the midget's chin to lift it's head up and make him look into his eyes

"You really think I will do that don't you? I was just teasing you, and insemination is not dome by having sex Baekhyun, they will just get semen from me and put it inside the woman"

He explains and caressed Baekhyun's cheek before leaning back to his chair again

"But still...I don't want that, it means our child will have the genes of the woman, and I don't want that" Baekhyun ranted and put a spoonful of ice cream inside his mouth

"I won't also like to do it, we can just adopt if you want"

"Adopt? Hmm...that will be nicer way"

"But for now let's focus on our study first, we can have child after we graduate" Chanyeol says and just observe his husband who finishes three cups of chocolate ice cream

He smile on how messy eater Baekhyun is, and it's weird for him because Baekhyun will always pick strawberry than chocolate when it comes to ice cream but's different

"Yeol, can we go to Jongin? I miss him already" Baekhyun suddenly said with matching puppy eyes trying to convince his husband

"Now? You just saw him yesterday" not wanting to sound jealous Chanyeol try not to make his voice sound irritated

"I don't know, it's just that my eyes was always looking for him...please Chanyeol? I want to see Jongin"

Chanyeol deeply sigh, a part of him was jealous and other part of him was trusting Baekhyun. But who could resist Baekhyun? No one so he nodded causing the midget to smile widely

"Let's g--" before Baekhyun could pull Chanyeol up, Chanyeol phone rings causing them both to stop

"I'll just answer this" He nodded and wait for Chanyeol to finish his phone call


Chanyeol POV

I answer the call as Baekhyun went back to his seat in front of me and watch me talk to the phone


"Good afternoon Mr. Park, I'm sorry to disturb you but I would like to invite you in my office again because there were a sudden changes in the result so can you please go back here because it is really important"

"O-okay, I'll be there in a minute"

I don't know why I became nervous from what the doctor have said, my heart really beat so fast that it almost freed it self from by chest

"Are you okay? You're so pale! Who was that?" Baekhyun ask with worriness all over him

"Y-yeah I'm okay, Baekhyun I'll drop you to Jongin's house then I'll just pick you up later"

He quickly sent Baekhyun to Jongin's house and left to went back to the hospital

Chanyeol POV

I quickly went in the doctor's office and I found her facing the computer on her desk

"Hi Doctor, what's the changes you're talking about? Is it bad news?" I ask because lots of negative thoughts was really bothering me when I'm on my way here

She smiles and turn her attention to me, she pointed at the chair across her telling me to sit down, and so I did

"Listen, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I should have not let you left right away, wait here"

My heart really is beating abnormally right now, what is it she would like to tell me. Why can't he just be straight forward

She left her chair and went back with the pregnancy test on her hand

"You see, sometimes this tester was responding late than I expected, so look at this" she placed the three tester Baekhyun had used a while ago in my front

I blink multiple times before gulping my with my dry throat and fix my eye on that thing

"T-two lines...that means Baek..." She nods with a bright smile on her face and I can't help but to stare at that thing in front of me

My mind went blank for a second, my heart beats louder than before, mybeyes were starting to form a tears and I can't explain what I'm feeling right now

"I'm going to be a dad" I mutter still staring at the pregnancy test and tears start rolling down on my face

Tears of joy, they say

"Congratulations Mr. Park, and for explanation why Baekhyun can get pregnant is that maybe he was born with woman's internal organs, but for clear reasons, bring him back here so that I could do some check up on him"

Out of all of those words she have said, all I can remember is Baekhyun is pregnant and I'm going to be a dad...

"T-thank you doctor"

That's it for now...😊😊😊😊 hope you'll not get fed up reading this story.

I start writing Shotgun Marriage , publishing of that story is when this story is finished

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