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Chanyeol POV

When we arrived at Hawaii we're both of course amazed of the views and we both took our jackets off because the weather here is warmer than I thought

"Chanyeol hurry look over there" Baekhyun excitedly says when we decided to stop on a certain place where a beautiful beach can be seen, thanks to my mom cause he rented a car that we can use here

"It's so beautiful ~ I want to swim there!!" He again said and by looking at his eyes you can tell that he really want to swim there

I went at his back and hug him from behind, and he leans his head back on my chest... By just inhaling the fresh breeze of air here and just being with this smurf everything is perfect

"Excuse me, can I ask something, we're lost so if you won't mind, do you know where can we find this hotel?" I break the hug from Baekhyun when two girls approach us

"Chanyeol can you understand them?" Baekhyun confusely ask while clinging on my arm, he can't understand them because the girls are I guess American

"Let me see" I held the brochure the girl's holding to read the name of the hotel's name

"Oh this is the same hotel we're going to stay it's just fifty meter away from here" I said and return the brochure back

"Yah what are you saying? Are they flirting with you?" Seriously, if I could just laugh here without offending this cute smurf I would but not to make him whines more I will just tell him everything

"They're not, they we're just asking for direction and luckily I know the place they were asking" I explained and held his hand locking it with mine

"Ahm, can we ride with you because we might lost our direction again" one of the girl said

"Yeah sure" I plainly answered and made my way to our car still holding my Baekhyun's hand

"By the way I'm Blaire and this is Brianna" one of them introduced right after we get in the car

"I'm Chanyeol and this is Baekhyun" they nodded and sit back again and soon I start driving again

When we arrived at the hotel, I get our luggage and soon one hotel butler approach us to help us with our luggage

"Thank you" I bow to the butler and wait for Baekhyun to walk beside me

"What room number are you staying?" Blaire ask that made me startle a bit cause she came out from no where *I guess*

"Room 1640"

"Oh ~ so unfortunate we're staying at 1209" am I the only one or she's really trying to throw aegyo on me?

"Baekhyun-ah come on, we're going bye" I grab Baekhyun and quickly went in the hotel, not to be rude so I bow at them and bud my goodbye formally

Baekhyun POV

right from the start I really hate those girl's aura, it seems weird but yeah call me prejudice but I really hate them cause they're obviously flirting with my HUSBAND especially that Blaire girl!!!

We're now inside our room bringing out our things from our luggage and putting it in on the closet

I suddenly stop and observe Chanyeol for a while, God he's really handsome ~ I slowly observed his whole body starting from his toes up to his legs, his hips, and to his biceps to his broad shoulders... Then suddenly I remember what Jongin told me


"Baekhyun-ah, when you and Chanyeol went on a honeymoon don't be so cheeky hmn?" I arch my brows hearing the words this kkamjong said

"Cheeky? Why would I be? And besides I and Chanyeol will not have that thing yet!" I whisper yell at him cause somebody might hear us

"Whatever you say! Knowing Mrs. Park? Let's see" he let out his infamous smirk

"Yah! What do you mean by that!"

"Nothing but just in case, bring my gift with you on your honeymoon that will be useful for sure"

End of Flashback

I didn't know what his gift is but I did open it at home when I'm alone inside my room, and when I open it was just a pull over cloth and a medium size bottle with no any label written on it

It was weird but I decides to bring it anyway, nothing harm will happen if I do, is it?

"Yah! Day dreaming over me again?" I was snap out of my thoughts when suddenly Chanyeol was already in front of me

"I-I am not!" I quickly turn my head to the other side to avoid his teasing look but soon I felt a quick kiss on my blushing cheek

"Liar, come on let's stroll outside and find some good place to have dinner" he grab my hand and pull me up from the bed

"Wait I not yet finish with my things" I pull back to turn back and fix my thing but then he pull me back again and drag me outside our room

"I already settle it while you were busy drooling over me"

"Yah! I am drooling over you! Dream on" I whines and he didn't bother answering back until we reached the elevator

When we reach the lobby we made our way to the exit but just to be stop by someone

"Chaaanyeol ~" who would it be...Nome other than Blaire and Brianna

Double update 😁😁😁 because I will be busy tomorrow because of tons of school works I have missed when I was sick

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