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When morning comes, Chanyeol wakes up early with a smile forming on his face because who wouldn't? He woke up seeing an angelic squishy face right next to him

He move closer to his husband and brush away Baekhyun's bangs that's covering his eyes

He leans towards Baekhyun and give the smaller a light kiss on it's lips not wanting to wake up the midget...

Chanyeol then give a last glance to his sleeping husband before getting up from their bed to prepare for their appointment he set for today

Before he could finally enter the bathroom, he hear the puppy like moan of his husband signaling him that's it's already awaken

"Oh your awake? Get up there because we're leaving soon" he said as he watch Baekhyun sit up and rub his sleepy eyes

"Chanyeol...hug" Baekhyun said with a sleepy voice while opening his arms widely wanting to be hold by Chanyeol

The giant chuckles and walk towards the smaller, he cannot resist it's cuteness knowing that early this morning it's being so clingy to him

He pick up his over sized shirt first before finally sitting beside the sleepy midget, he let Baekhyun wear his shirt to cover it's naked body

He then wrapped his arms around the smaller and carry it like a baby, who's legs tangled around his waist and arms around his neck

"Are you really that sleepy? Want me to shower you?" He ask while rocking the smaller side to side who's head is rest on his shoulder

"Where are we going?" Baekhyun ask still resting his head on the giant's shoulder

"You'll see, for now let's take a bath first amd eat then we will go"

He carry Baekhyun all the way to the bathroom and just deciding to take a bath with him since he cannot force the midget to move on it's own


After a nice bath and a delicious breakfast, the couples left the house and wait at the bus stop

"Chanyeol can I know now where will we go?" The midget impatienly ask while shaking his husband's arm who still doesn't tell him the place they will go

"I told you just wait" it says and grab Baekhyun on hand interlocking it with his hand

When the bus came, they hop in and find the nearest seat they saw, and settle their selves for a long minutes of waiting to arrived at the place

"Chanyeol, I want chocolate ice cream" Baekhyun said out of no where

"Baekhyun we're in the middle of the road where can I find ice cream here? Just wait till we get there"

The midget frown and turn his back to the giant and just face the windows

It made Chanyeol chuckles inside because he thought maybe his husband was really pregnant by his actions

"Come here you grumpy smurf" he held Baekhyun by waist and pull him closer to his side before planting kisses on it's cheek making the smaller blush

"I promise I'll buy you what you want later hm?" He assured and answered by a nod from the midget


Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now