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After the wedding ceremony, all visitor already left after budding goodbyes and congratulate the two couples

"Ahhh! I'm so tired" Baekhyun slamp his self to their bed as soon as they arrived to their home, the Parks home

"It really is" Chanyeol said and made his way beside his husband and get his self closer to the midget and lay beside him

Baekhyun snuggle towards the giant burying his self inside the giant's frame

They both sigh in contentment still cuddling each other

"We should change our clothes first" Chanyeol says looking down to the midget who was already closing his eyes

"I'm too tired to get up~" Baekhyun softly whines closing his eyes still and that made the giant smirk

"Then you want me to change your clothes for you?" He teased with a wide smirk on his face thinking that the midget won't agree on it

"Yeah" Chanyeol was shocked when Baekhyun answers that with a sleepy voice

He himself was so shy to do that but knowing the midget would sleep with that so uncomfortable clothes he was left no choice but to change it for him

He slowly reach Baekhyun's arm and lifted it up to take its coat off, he carefully slid it off from the midget's arm and when he successfully made it he throw the coat on the floor

And when he look at Baekhyun again he got so shy thinking that he would take off it's long sleeve and it will reveal the midget's bare upper body

He gulp nervously and slowly reach for the first button with a shaky hands and open it revealing Baekhyun's collar bone, he try to look away from his husband milky skin because beads of sweat was starting to form on his forehead...

He reached for the second button and about to open it when suddenly the room's door flew open revealing his mom with a shocked face but soon it turns into smirking one

"Awee! You can't wait for your honeymoon?" Mrs Park teased while slowly making his way to his son's side

"It's not what you think mom!" Chanyeol argue

"Yeah yeah if that's what you want me to think, but don't worry son I have a surprise for you" She cheerfully pats his son's shoulder making the giant arch his brow

"TADAAA! Three days tour in Hawaii ~" Mrs. Park wave the plane tickets in front of his son's face

"Yah! Mom we don't need that! We're only teens, no need for honeymoon we can do that when we're on the right age" the giant state with a frustrated tone making his mom frown

"You're both on the right age! Don't argue with me Chanyeol your flight is tomorrow morning so be ready, go on continue what you're doing I won't bother you again" Mrs. Park said and place the tickets on the table beside the bed before vanishing from the room

Chanyeol can't do anything but to sigh in frustration from his mom, he glance at the small sleeping husband beside him and it made him smile I'm an instant

"You look like a puppy" he mutters and brush the midget's hair with his fingers

He kissed Baekhyun's forehead before standing up to change his clothes to his room and after that he call Mrs. Byun to change Baekhyun's clothes into comfortable clothes


Baekhyun POV

"Chanyeol-ah ~ don't sleep" I shake his shoulder to wake him up because I have no one to talk to

We're inside the airplane on our way to Hawaii, I was surprise when he wakes me up early this morning saying that we're already leaving

"Baekhyun stop it, I didn't have enough sleep last night so let me sleep" he shrugged my hands off him and close his eyes again making me pout and frown

"How come you didn't? We sleep early last night so don't excuse yourself and talk to me I'm so bored ~" I tried waking him up again but it ends up he turn his back on me so now I am only facing his back

"Why this!! Fine! Don't talk to me" I slap his back before facing the windows and just watch the clouds fades when the wings of the airplane strike through them, I was enjoying the scene when my cellphone beep

Kris Wu send you a message

I was confused at first because I shouldn't be receiving a message because my cellphone is on airplane mode, but then I realize that the wifi of my phone is on and I received the message through app, I click to open the message

From: Kris Wu
Hyunie ~ I heard you got married already? How come you didn't invite me!! >u< but anyway congrats!!

I laugh thinking of Kris hyung saying this to me in a cute way, it really doesn't suits him because aegyo is not his style

To: Kris Wu
*mehrong* don't worry if I have time I will call you and treat you outside haha, how are you hyung?

I send it and wait for him to reply and without another minute my cellphone beep again so I quickly open the message to read the message

From: Kris Wu
I will remember that! Your treat, I'm fine already taking business course for our company

Right he's on college now and I pity him cause he really wants to be a model but then his father doesn't want to and want him to manage their business instead

I was about to type to reply to Kris hyung when someone snatch my phone

"Yah!" I whines and try to snatch my phone back from a giant Yoda who took it from me

"No cellphone allowed when your with me" he says and hide my phone on his bag

"Why!? I'm so bored, you're not talking to me and now you won't let me use my phone?"

"Lower down your voice Baekhyun, were inside the plane" he whisper and about to close his eyes again so I slump my self on my chair harshly and crosses my arms and frown to the deepest frown I can

Chanyeol POV

I half open my eyes and saw him pouting and frowning like a scolded child, I chuckle and reach his chin to make him look at me

"Stop with the long face, it doesn't suits you, come here" I hug his waist and pull him closer to me, he didn't fight back and just lean on my shoulder facing my neck

"I love you" I whisper to his right ear making him giggle and hug me even tighter

"Yah, don't just giggle! Say you love me too" I whines and he just chuckle and pinch my cheek

"I love you too, okay now?" He leans on my shoulder again making me smile in contentment and just sleep again, just one more hour and we're arriving on Hawaii


So I was planning to double update yesterday but I was rush to a doctor cause of my sickness...but I'm quite better now so I can update often again 😁😁😁😁

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