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Okay so I dedicate this update for those people who always vote and who always leave their comments on every chapters I made...thank you so much guys!


Third person POV

"How do I look? Isn't my eyeliner too dark or too thick? Or is my lips too pinkish? Is my cl--"

"--you look perfect so stop worrying! And besides it's just a photo shoot, you look beautiful in every photos cause you're so photo genic"

Jongin says to his now so conscious best friend who kept on observing his self I'm front of the huge mirror

Today is the day for their wedding photo shoot so no one can blame Baekhyun if he's that nervous because for him he must look so perfect for him not to be embarrass in front of his oh so handsome soon to be husband

"I don't know if you're complementing me or you're just mocking me, you'll know what I feel when you proposed to Kyungsoo" the midget said and observed at his figure again

A few seconds later somebody knock on the room's door that made them both throw their attention to the door

"Excuse me sir, Chanyeol is already waiting at the shooting area we also need you to be there too" a girl said before exiting the room again after getting a nod from Baekhyun

"Jongin-ah don't leave there!!! I'll be so nervous if you do!" Baekhyun shake his best friend's arm trying to convince him to stay

"You that I can't, Kyungsoo and I have a date today so you better stop whining there. And besides it's not like you haven't stay alone with Chanyeol and another it's just a photo shoot!! So I'll be going now"

"You have known me first but base on what I am feeling it seems like Kyungsoo is more important than me now" the latter whines as if something important was taken away from him

"Yah! Byun Baekhyun stop the tantrums there's mo comparing here, go there already! You're fiance is waiting" before Baekhyun could throw more tantrums Jongin pull him out of the room and drag him outside where the shoot will be held


Baekhyun POV

This kkamjong really has no support, how could he missed this kind of especial event for me

He drags me along with him all the way to the grass fields beside the cliff where our photo shoot will be held

Right after I step near the area my heart start beating fast, I don't know why am I even this nervous today it's not like we're getting married already but something in me is pushing me to be embarrassed in front of my future husband

And when we get in the area, my heart skip beat when my eyes landed on the most handsome man I saw in my entire life, he's more handsome than Adonis

I stare at his side view feature from toe to head...God his new hair color suits him so well... It feels like I'm falling for him for the thousandths time today... But I was cut day dreaming over him when his head turns towards my side

I quickly turn my gaze to the other things to avoid his charming eyes, and I was about to held Jongin when I felt no Jongin to be found around me

"What took you so long?" I was startled when I hear the deep voice of him

"I...uhhh-- because I--.. " I cannot really utter a word right now because I was too distracted by his aesthetic look and he's too close to me that I can already see every inch of his face

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