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Baekhyun POV

I was transferred to one of the room on second floor, I felt heavy....very heavy that my chest wanted to explode on its own

I almost got my child into death...

While the doctor was doing the ultrasound to me, my heart keep pounding loudly because of nervousness and fear of losing my child

And my mind keeps on replaying Chanyeol's face, his wide smile when he first saw our baby's ultrasound, when he keeps on talking to my baby bumps even though it was late at night....

I'm afraid it might all fade's all my fault, I should've just sleep instead of insisting to eat

But the moment the doctor said that my baby was safe and just one snap all my worries fades away like a bubble that pops

My breathing turn into normal, and my eyes filled with happy tears as I caressed my tummy that time...

I was currently staring on the ceiling of my room, when I hear the door opens

And there my giant stands looking down on his feet, obviously sobbing, and what's make him look more adorable is that he was still wearing his pajamas

Honestly I'm not mad at him, why would I be mad at him when it's all my fault that's why it all happens

"B-Baek..." He calls with a cracked voice because of his sobs

Should I pretend to be mad?

He slowly walk towards me after closing the door, right after I saw his face I turn my gaze to the other side

It's killing me seeing his eyes filled with tears and hearing him crying, it makes me wanna hug him, but I need to pretend to be mad

"I'm sorry...please forgive me" he held my hand and plant a deep kiss into it

I was keeping my gaze into the other side for him not to noticed my blushing face because of what he is doing

"What are you doing here? I thought you want to sleep?" I tried to sound cold to him to make my plan successful

"N-no! I...ahh...I'm sorry please" he keeps on kissing my hand as his tears continue on flowing from his eyes making the back of my palm wet

I turn my head to face him and instantly he held his head up to look into my eyes, his eyes were screaming apologies and so is his red nose and ears, but me as a meanie pregnant I snatch my hand away from his grip and his it under the blanket that covers my lower torso

His eyes are now yelling out apologies with pain after I pull back my hand from him, and I internally slap my self for being this mean to him

"B-Baek...please I'm sorry, I promise I won't sleep again...I promise that I would get anything you want...I p--"

"I love you" I said to shut him up and I smile cheekly to him that make him look at me in daze

I get up and hung my legs on the edge of the bed to face him who was still having his eyes wide in disbelief

I cupped his reddish cheeks and wiped out his falling tears using my thumbs

"Stop crying now, it doesn't suits you seriously and I'm not mad" I said and kiss the tip of his nose making him to close his eyes

"It's not your fault okay?" I continue and pull him on neck for a hug

All this time, his hug would be the last thing that will really ease all the heavy things I am feeling

He hug me back on my waist and pull me even closer to him

"Its my fault...I should've choose you over sleeping...I almost got you and our baby into danger"

"Let's blame no one now...what's important is that we're both safe now" I pressed his cheeks between my palm making his lips pout and cause me to peck it multiple times

"But still...I promise, you two will always be my most priority" He protested and caressed my baby bump

"Chanyeol..." I called while he was still staring and caressing my tummy, and he just hummed in respond

"Isn't your pajamas too thin that your underwear almost shows up" I hold up my chuckle because his face is as red as cherries now

"Yah! Don't make fun of me...I'm just really panicking a while ago and my mind was just shout nothing but your name that I forgot to changed my clothes"

I gave him a 'oh really look' but deep inside I was squealing like a fangirl on Shinee's concert

He was about to open his mouth to speak again, but he was stopped by a sudden knock on the door before a doctor came in

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but I'm here to show the final result of the observation to the baby" the doctor said as he walks towards us and stand right beside Chanyeol

"I have two news for you two, one is good and as usual one is bad so I'm not going to ask you because I want to begin it with good news" he continuously speaks not wanting us to reply back

But the moment he said the word 'good' I know my baby is safe but then he mention about 'bad' a sudden nervousness start to arrive to my veins again...

I grip tightly on Chanyeol's hand and he did the same to mine as we both wait for the doctor to speak again

"So Baekhyun and Chanyeol, the goodnews're having a twins"

Twins.... Twins.... Twins.... Twins... Tw-

"TWINS? AS IN--- OH MY GOD!" out of no where my voice turn up and my soul seems to be more alive right now

"Chanyeol!! Did you hear that!? I'm carrying two child!!" I cupped my husband's face who was still in a state of processing the doctor's words I guess

"Yes Baekhyun, you two are going to have a twin child...but I'm sorry to break your ceremony but I need to tell you this bad news too"

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