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Chanyeol POV

"Have you heard? That Byun from lowest section is living with Parks"

"Really? For real? Are they in a relationship?"

"I don't know but one student heard that Byun said it"

I was walking in the hall way when I heard 2 girls whispering to each other and when they saw me they quickly walk away

How dare that Byun spread it! Aish!!! I need to find that talkative smurf! I search every room and guess what everyone is talking about this news and finally I found him and who is he talking to? Why is he blushing? Wait! Why do I care!!

"Baekhyun!!" I called him that cut that boy's word and without waiting for him to answer I grab his hand amd drag him to the school field

"Ah-ouch!  Chanyeol stop! It hurts!" And when I saw his wrist that I gripped his milky skin turn into red so I let his wrist go and point on his face

"You! Didn't I told you not to tell someone we're living on the same roof? Can't you shut your mouth even for that word?" I almost yell to him that made him step back and I saw fright on his eyes that made me calm and feel sorry

"I didn't spread it, and it wasn't my fault if someone have long ears to hear my whisper to my best friend" he answered with full of confidence

"So that means you did spread it, why? Are you that desperate to caught my attention? Or too proud to spread that you're living with me?" I said and put anger on my tone, he then fake a laugh and put his hands on his waist

"You're so full of yourself don't you? Fyi I'm not proud and desperate its just that I can't keep secret from my best friend and please Mr. Park I.Don't.Like.You anymore! I like someone else now" He then avoided my gaze after stating those words

Why do I feel like I lost something big now? And why do I hate him saying he doesn't like me anymore and why do I feel insecure to that someone he likes now but I'm confident he won't find someone else who is the same as me

"I don't think someone will make you fall like I do, are you making up things for you to cover up your feelings for me?" I again ask him with confidence

"Wow, I never knew someone who is man of few words and only knows studying would be arguing with me with this kind of stuff, well to cut the level of your confidence I do find someone else and excuse me cause I'll be seeing him now"

Then he walked out and disappear from my sight after speaking


2 Months have pass and he didn't talk to me again even in our house except when my mom insisted to make me call him on his room or to call me on my room and about the issue it died easily cause they think Baekhyun just made up those story

And within that two months I always saw him talk to the transferee guy who is in the same section with me, and that irritate me for no reason, that there we're times that I want to pull him from that guys amd made him look at me and only me again.

It's 6 in the evening we were having a dinner and I was secretly stealing a glance to Baekhyun who is sitting in front of me, just to know if he's looking at me...but he's not

"Mom,aunties,uncle, can I go out tonight with a friend?" Baekhyun said as he place his chopsticks down

"Where will you go and who is that friend of yours?" His mom answered back

"Tonight is the opening of their own café so he invited me, his name is Oh Sehun he will be here in a minute so you will meet him, so can I come?" He made a puppy eyes to his mom that made him so cu- I mean no he look like am idiot

"What time will you be home?" My mom ask

"By exactly 9:00 auntie I will be home already so please let me just this once" he pleaded again amd when mom and his mom agrees he excitedly went up stairs

"Thank you for the foods, I'll be going up now" I excuse my self and followed him to his room


Kyungsoo POV

It's almost 7 but I haven't find a perfect clothes to wear yet and I'm not sure if he will still like me after this night cause I exactly don't know how to socialize with others especially to someone I like.


I was reading the next lesson we will discuss later when someone sit next to me that made me gasped and made my eyes even wider

"H-hey, mind if I j-join you he-here? " he shyly said and scratch his nape, I just nodded and fixed my composture

"Uhm...can I ask you something? " he speaks again and I just nod again for response

"Can you go on a date with me?" With that I choked with my own saliva amd he quickly rub my back and pat it lightly

"Are you okay?" He ask with a concern look so I nod and wipe some tears that is effect of choking before I face him

"Maybe you're talking to a wrong person Mr. Kim" I shyly said and lowered my head to hide my blushing face from him

"You're Do Kyungsoo right? So I guess I am not talking to a wrong person" he stated

End of flashback...

And that time he keeps on persuading me so in the end I was left with no choice but to say yes.

I finally found a proper clothes I would wear today a plain white T-shirt underneath my blue jacket with a pororo design in the middle and a jeans and a pair of black converse

After dressing up I walk back and fort inside my room being nervous on what's going to happen tonight when suddenly our doorbell rang and when I look out on the window, there I saw him standing outside our gate

I nervously went downstairs and before I leave I left a text message to my parents who are at work tonight before I lock the door and face him...

"Hey" he said and look at me from head to toe, omg do I look bad?

"U-uh... I'm sorry do I look bad? Do I need to change my cl-" he quickly waved his hands gesturing that he's saying no

"No, no, no, not at all, actually you look adorable tonight" I instantly blush and avoided his gaze

"Tha-thanks" what's happening to me, why am I so fluttered by his words? And what's wrong with this heart of mine why is it thumping so fast?

"So... Let's go?" He said so I nod and followed him to his car

It's now or never...

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