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Mr. Park was in a hurry early this morning because a business partner suddenly calls that they have a business trip at 3 am

He was fixing his tie while stepping down their stairs when he hears Baekhyun yell out Chanyeol's name

It alarms him and without thinking twice he search for the midget and he found him on the ground groaning in pain

"Oh my god Baekhyun!!" He quickly approach the boy dropping the suitcase he's holding on the ground

"What happened! Are you okay!?"

"Appa!! M-my tummy hurts!! My b-baby!!"

Without any words Mr. Park bring Baekhyun on his arms and carry it to his car, he has no time to wake up the others because his mind went blank and all he can think was to save Baekhyun and his grandson

"Hang on there, appa will bring you to the hospital"

He placed Baekhyun on the back seat so that it could lay down comfortably there and he quickly turn to go the driver's seat right after he closed the door of the back seat

"God please take care of them" Mr. Park mumbles as he drive like a mad man not caring about the traffic lights, but thankfully there were only few cars right now because it's too early

With just ten minutes they arrived at the hospital and Mr. Park quickly get off his car

"Help!! I need help!!" He yelled while he was running towards the back seat to get Baekhyun

"Come on son we're here" he carry Baekhyun again and made his way to the emergency room

"Doctor!!!! I need a doctor!!" He shout that startles the few nurse in there

Without a minute a doctor approach him with a wheelchair, so he put Baekhyun there who was still crying because of pain

"Help my son!! He's pregnant!!! Do something!!" Mr. Park was obviously panicking while he was gripping tightly on the doctor's shoulder

"Okay, calm down mister, you have to wait here while we are checking on him"

The doctor didn't wait for his answer and quickly bring Baekhyun inside the emergency room

Chanyeol POV

My eyes flew open when I shifted my body and feel a cold empty space on our bed

Where's Baekhyun?

The first question that comes in my mind, I roamed my eyes around our dimed room and no Baekhyun was around

I get off the bed and went out the room, I don't know why but my heart was beating fast...

I went down stairs and I saw the light on the kitchen was on, so I quickly walk in there hoping to see Baekhyun munching whatever food he craves early this morning

But I found no one in here... I was about to turn around to search on for Baekhyun again, when I saw a pack of jelly beans and bread on the floor

I felt a sudden pang in my chest, my heart races like a horse again as I went closer to the food on the floor and grab it

And what shutters my heart is when I saw one of Baekhyun's slipper...where's the pair of this

My mind went wild thinking what might happen to him...

I turn to went up stairs to grab my phone and call him, but a sudden ring of our home's telephone stops me

Without thinking twice I run towards it to answer

"Hello!" My voice was raspy because of dry lump of throat and my heart just keeps beating fast that I don't even know why

"Chanyeol!! Son!! It's me dad...hurry up and go here, Baekhyun...we're in the hospital...Chanyeol...Baekhyun...he needs you"

Hospital... Baekhyun... Baekhyun is in the hospital...

My senses went mind went blank...the only thing I can feel is my heart wanting to get out off my rib cage

"Son do you hear me!? I'll send you the place! Please hurry up!"



Chanyeol didn't even change his pajamas, he quickly run out of their house right after his father send his the address of the hospital

He took a cab and fortunately there was no traffic in this hour so with just ten minutes he arrived there and right after paying the driver he run out the cab and made his way to the lobby

"Park Baekhyun!! Where is he" he impatiently tap the desk waiting for the nurse to answer

"Ahh the boy who just got in, he was still at the emergency room sir and he was still under observation"

The nurse explained still keeping his eyes on the monitor where Baekhyun's data was placed

"Thank you" Chanyeol said and went to search the emergency room

When he turm right, he saw his father sitting on the waiting area in front of the emergency room

"Dad!" He call and by that his dad turn his head to look at his way

He jog towards his dad and stop when he reach the place beside him

"Thank goodness you're here! Baekhyun...he's still in there, son please watch over him, I need to go"

He noticed the formal clothes of his dad obviously it was off to something important, but then it seems to put Baekhyun above first

His dad tap his shoulder before it turn it's back to walk away

"Dad!" He call again that made his father stop from walking and face him again

"Thank you so much" he smile and bow to his who just smiled back and waved a goodbye to him

After an hour of waiting, the doctor finally went out from the emergency room, Chanyeol quickly stand and approach him

" was Baekhyun? I'm his husband"

"Oh I see, well he's fine now...but the baby, we'll still checking on it because it seems like your child was a but harmed, but we promised to do our best for the safety of the can now check your husband on his room"

Baekhyun is fine...but our baby is not...

It's all my fault

Chanyeol says on his mind as he walk towards Baekhyun's room


I know... It's a crappy chapter, forgive me. I'll make it up to you to the next chapter 😊

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