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Baekhyun POV

"WHAT!? You're both back together and didn't even tell me? Hah!! I can't believe you! Are you still seeing me as you best friend?"  As usual who would it be? My over dramatic best friend Kim Jongin

I invited him to come I'm our house after Chanyeol and I talked to my mom about our plan, and he drove me to my house after bidding his goodbye to me

"Yaah! Quit being dramatic! It just happened last night" I whines and he just frown even more that makes me chuckle cause he over act more than my mom did

"Yeah! It was just last night but I thought you're just back together but I didn't expect that you getting married soon!" He shouted like a grumpy old man

"Yah! Kim Jongin hajima! You're acting like a jealous man, don't tell me you have a secret crush on me ~" I teased and just like what I expected he gave a disgusted look

"Dream on Byun! I'll never feel that kind of thing towards you! Not a bit!" He said and even gesture his fingers into 'little percent'

"That's too much! Even I!!!! I won't like you even a dot! Or even you're the last man living with me" I argued and printed at his tanned face

"Arraso!!! Then don't " he said and turn his back to me crossing his arms

Yeah... Just like the old times... Our little or should I say never ending arguing that in the end I am the one who will say sorry

"Okay fine, I'm sorry ~" I walk closer to him and semi hug him from behind gosh what are we? A couple?

"Fine! I'm sorry to" that's how weird we are, he face me and embrace me with matching bouncing

"I'm so happy for you!!! Should I call you Park Baekhyun from now on?" He  gave me a teasing look while poking my tummy

"Park Baekhyun? Y-yah! Don't be excited!" I slap his shoulder while blushing messed

"Aweee! Stop being cheeky! I know you like it too" he teased again

"S-stop it!! Ehh! Changing to topic what if you and Kyungsoo got married, would it be Kim Kyungsoo or Do Jongin?" I said as I walk to the sofa again and slammed myself there and so Jongin followed me too

"Isn't obvious? Of course Kyungsoo will be the one who'll change surname"

"Really? I thought you we're the bottom?" I hold my laugh after he gave me a deadly glare after hearing those words from me

"Who told you I am the bottom? Besides I look more manly than him so I'll be the top" he proudly argue that I couldn't hold my laugh anymore  so I burst out laughing my heart out while he just stare at me with a confused look

"What's so funny?" He raised his one brow and waited for me to calm from laughing

"Because I recorded what you said and I'll surely let Kyungsoo hear it" I raises my phone and instantly his face got pale for no good reason and quickly ran towards me to snatch my phone and I didn't bother pulling it back from him

"Yaaah~ what's the password of this? Byun Baekhyun I'm telling you if you don't delete it, I'll tell Chanyeol that we had sex!!!" He yell and that made me laugh even more

"As if you could! That will ruin you and Kyungsoo too!" And I was shut laughing when my cell phone rings

"Oooh ~ speaking was Chanyeol who's calling, should I tell him now?" He evilly smile and position hisnfinger to the screen

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