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"Seriously Chanyeol, where are we going?" Baekhyun ask when Chanyeol just stare at the window the whole ride

And until now that they're already walking in an empty road with lots of trees on the side

"We're almost there Baek, just wait"

Baekhyun didn't noticed that they already entered a huge gate

Baekhyun realized where they are when a wind blows his face making him look around the place

"Chanyeol...what are we doing here" he grip tightly on his husband's arm after he saw a creepy place they went

"You'll see, come on" Chanyeol intertwined their hands and drag Baekhyun along with him

"Chanyeol I'm's almost noon! Why are we here!!" The smaller whines and keep looking around while keeping his distance close to his husband

The giant just chuckles and keep walking, until he stop after a not too long of walking

Baekhyun remain silent when he saw a familiar thing he used to talk with, way back when he was younger

" did y-you..." He couldn't continue his words because it was replaced by a sobs

The giant smiles and step closer to Baekhyun before cupping his face to wiped the falling tears on his cheeks

"Your mom told me, and I also want to meet them"

The giant pull his husband with him to face the tomb in front of them

"G-grandma...grandpa..." Baekhyun whisper in air while staring at his grandparents names

Its been a long time since he last visited this place, since his was left only with his mother...they rarely go here because they both need to work hard for them both to have a life

Baekhyun's tears keeps flowing like it was a water falls, when he go here all their his memories when he was younger keeps flashing back on his mind...and he can't help but to missed those days

The giant went closer to Baekhyun and pull him on waist, caressing it to send comfort to the midget

"Grandma,'s me Park Chanyeol, your grandson's husband. I'm sorry if we didn't tell you earlier  but don't worry I won't hurt him anymore, and I also promise to be with him till our last breath...and by the way, you're having another grandson too...but it will be from Baekhyun now, I promise to bring our baby here and let you meet him"

Baekhyun just stare into his husband while it was sweet talking to his grandparents, and every words he speaks...brings flutter to his's the first time someone spoke sweet things about him...and it's the first time he came here crying not because of sadness, but because of joy

"Chanyeol-ah..." He called to get Chanyeol's attention who was still staring at the tomb with a generous smile in his face

"Hmm?" He turn his face to the midget who was looking up to him

"Saranghae" tears caused of too much flutter keeps falling down from Baekhyun's eyes as he says that one lovely word to his husband

Chanyeol smile back as he wipe the tears from the midget's face, he plant a soft kiss to its eyes before nuzzling their noses

"I know...and I love you too Baekhyunie"

Baekhyun POV

"Chanyeoool ~ wake up! Yoda!!! Wake up wake up wake up!!! Jagi! Baby! Babe!! Wake upppp!"

I shake him to wake him up even though it's already pass midnight, what can I do? I'm hungry

Anyway my baby is four months now, so it's hard for me to move like before now, because there were lots of things I need to avoid to do, and the doctor said I need to be more careful for me and the baby because these months were more dangerous than the past months

But still...this annoying giant won't wake up! I need to eat!!! I'm craving for something right now!!!

It's weird that I conceived for a very long time! But nothing's weirder if I don't conceived at all

"Yah! Park Chanyeol!!! Wake up!" I slap his arm with all of my force and that cause him to groan and sit up with an annoyed expression

"What!?" He sigh and rubbed the Parr of his arm that I slap

"I'm hungry!" I cling on his arm and make an aegyo even though he wont see it cause he was still closing his eyes, obviously wanting to sleep more

"Chanyeol ~" I shake his arm again to wake him up cause he's sleeping again while sitting

"'s already 2 am ~ please let me sleep..." Guess he didn't hear me say that 'I'm hungry' his mind was thinking about nothing but sleep now

"I told you I'm hungry!! And I can't sleep if I'm hungry!!" I whines and this time I make sure that he hears it

He deeply sigh and ruffles his hair and letting out an annoyed groan

"Yah! Are you getting tired of me!? Fine! Don't move there! Sleep as long as you want! I will feed myself!!" I push his arm and get off our bed I stomp my feet all the way to the door

"Hah! I can't believed him!" I open the door but before I step out, I look back to him...guess what!!

He's sleeping!!!!

I harshly closed the door before I step out of the room and head to our kitchen

As expected it was dark in here and the only thing that gives light in here is the dim light place near the dining table

I walk slowly and carefully not wanting to step on to something that will cause me to fall on the floor

I hold on the walls trying to search for the switch of the lights, and finally after minutes of searching it I finally found it and as soon as I pressed it, the lights invaded the whole kitchen

"What should I eat?" I open the cabinet above the sink where most of what I craved for was placed

My eyes caught a pack of jelly bean and chocolate bread on the second layer of the cabinet

I tried reaching it since it was just placed in front but still my short limbs wasn't enough to reached it

I slightly jump and I almost got it, so I tried again but more careful this time and shoot I still didn't got it

I hold my tummy with my one hand and one is for reaching the food...

I tried jumping again, and finally I got it!!!! But unfortunately my feet landed on the wrong position...making fall on the ground

"Aaaaah!!!" I wince in pain my butt landed first on the floor...but soon the pain wasn't only on my butt

It climbs to my stomach...I hold my stomach and caresses it trying to control the unbearable pain

"Ch-Chanyeol!!!!!" I shout when I can no longer take the pain


Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now