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Chanyeol POV

The moment I saw him it's like my world stops spinning, I noticed his figure right after he bumped on me, his hair...the scent of it, his chubby yet so gorgeous appearance and his voice that I really missed

And when he look up and accidentally met my eyes, it feels like it's been forever since the last time I saw him... God knows how much I miss him, I was mesmerized by his gaze like only the two of us was in this place right now

He was about to touch my cheek, God I long for that... But suddenly Mabel arrived that made us broke our gaze to each other

"Oh! Who's this? Is he your friend?" She asked and pointed at Baekhyun, who was still looking at me with a glittery eyes

"N-no, let's go Mabel" right after I said those words I saw pain in his eyes, I'm sorry Baekhyun, but I have to do this...

I turn my back to walk away from him and I know Mabel followed me, not even five steps away I heard him call...

"W-wait! I'm Byun Baekhyun's friend...he told me that he misses you a lot, and that he regret a lot of things he has done, but yet he's happy for you Chanyeol"

I got stiff on my place trying to hold back my tears and trying to act like it was just a normal thing to be said to me...

I can see the trembling of his lips and the redness of his eyes, why is he doing this to me! I want to run towards him and wrapped him inside my arms and tell him I'm here and will never leave his side

But fvck I can't!!!!!

"Th-thats what he wants me t-to say to you, I'll go now" and with that he turn back and start walking away from us

I was left there dump founded and broken for the second time, I was at the edge of crying when Mabel shake my arm

"Oppa, that guy is weird, come on Dad is waiting for us" she pull me with her but I pulled back

Oh and I forgot to tell you, Mabel is my fiancé sounds clique but her dad wants me to marry her for business, not because he just wanted Mabel to marry someone who is in the high class but because he wants his business just to be owned by someone who is related to them...

"Mabel, can you go first? I just need to grab something... Please" she was confused but nodded anyway

I quickly run to catch up Baekhyun, and thankfully I got to see him right away

"Baekhyun!" I call even though we're still six meters away from each other

He stop in his place and quickly turn to face me...

I run towards him and without any word I pull him into my chest and wrapped my arms around him, I can feel that he was shocked from what I did

A moment later I can feel his arms around my waist, and pulling me closer to him even more...

I miss this feeling, I don't wanna end this anymore

He burry his face into the crook of my neck and I can feel tears falling in it, it made me hug him even tighter and kiss his temple

"I miss you so much" I mutter as I caresses the back of his head making it lean into my neck even more

"I miss you too...I really really missed you!!"

I pull out from the hug and cupped his small face and examined every corner and every inch of his beautiful face

"Come back to me please..."


Up till there first, I need to sleep early today for the reviewing tomorrow... Wish me luck guys!!!! 😂😂😂

Sorry if this was so short!!!

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