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It sound shameless but guys if you ever delete YATMTM *my first story* on your library, I just want to inform that I updated it with bonus chapter 😂 ~


The couple focus on the doctor waiting for it to spill the bad news he's talking about

"So you see here, there were two babies in these ultrasound, fortunately one of them is growing normal but when you look at the other one, the baby is too small for four months, it seems that this baby is not growing normal he seems growing late than the other baby, though we're all confuse at first but you can clearly see here that this baby is two months later than the other baby"

The two went paused, digesting every word the doctor have said and in the end Chanyeol was the first to get into his senses

"Wh-what can we do about it? Will o-our baby can s-still live?" He stutter worrying to his child's condition that's probably I'm danger now

"Fortunately he can, he was just two months apart from his sibling, so by them time the other child was nine months, the other would be seven, and that means he can be deliver out that time but in premature state"

It's like a big stick was pulled out from the couple's throat, Baekhyun sigh in relief and Chanyeol grab his hands placing a soft kiss in it

They both smile towards each other with a sign of happiness in it

"Baekhyun here's the vitamins you have to take to make sure both of you babies will stay healthy"

The doctor hand him a list of the vitamins before excusing it self leaving them both alone again

Baekhyun POV

It's been three months since the news that I'm having a twins was spread, everyone took care of me so well

Especially Chanyeol...he would really stay up late just to take care of me, even he's tired from school he will make time to help me with my paper works

And sometimes when I know he's really dead tired, I'll call Jongin to come over and help me with some things and let Chanyeol take his rest

But today, it's just eight in the morning but me and Chanyeol was already fully dressed

We're off to our school to pass my paper works and some of our final requirements because next week will be our GRADUATION ~

"Baek, ready to go?" He ask as he check everything in our bag

"Yeah just a second" I said and took a last glance of my figure in the mirror

Chanyeol took the bag and put it on his shoulders before heading my hand and walk pulling me with him

"Mom we're going now" Chanyeol yell when we arrived down stairs walking straight to the front door

"Alright take care ~" his mom yells back

While we're walking to the bus stop, everyone who walk pass us seems to be checking on me

But not in a good way tho

They look like judging my appearance, okay it's not that I'm pregnant they're judging I know that because base on the year I'm not the first male to get pregnant and I know they're uses to this kind of case


When we hopped in the bus, I slouch myself to the chair and crosses my arms

"Baekhyun, what's with that face?" Chanyeol ask when he settled his self beside me

"Chanyeol, I'm gonna ask you something and I want you to be honest!" I whines but still keeping my voice low since we are in public place

"Alright, what is it?" He sit sideways facing me

"Am I too fat now?" And what annoys me more this time is his face that is obviously holding back a laugh

"I'm warning you Park Chanyeol..." I gritted my teeth and narrowed my eyes

"Yes, you look fat right now"


Finally I've updated this, and guys let me tell you... This story is ending soon, very very soon

And good news, I've published SHOTGUN MARRIAGE  now

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