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Third person POV

Later that night Jongin called Baekhyun who was currently pulling all his clothes from his closet

"Baekie, I have something to tell you...I uhhh....ahm, Ialreadyhadmyfirstkiss" even though Jongin said the last part of the sentence quickly Baekhyun still manage to get it...

Baekhyun stop from what he is doing and grab his phone from his bed that is on speaker mode

"You what!? Oh my God Jongin!! Who what when where!!!!!?" Baekhyun exaggeratedly said almost breaking Jongin's eardrums from the other line

"Geez, calm down you tiny speaker! I'll tell you tomorrow okay!"

"Why not now? And I can't go to your house tomorrow...I have a date ~" Baekhyun shyly says that he almost sounds like a girl

On the other line Jongin almost squeal but holds it up and ended just smirking as if Baek can see him.

"A date huh...seems like we're both fortunate today my dear bestie!" And so they both squeal their heart out

"But...Jongin can you come over? I really don't know what to wear!! I have nothing to wear! My clothes are all just a plain and boring look! Help me ~"

"As if I know where Park's house is and do they welcome visitors there?" Jongin ask, deep inside him he really wants to see the house where Baekhyun stays cause they used to sleep over on each other's place before...

"I'll text you the address, and don't worry they'll welcome you warmly. And oh! You can sleep over too! I miss sleeping with a bear ~" they both laugh with the thought of how Baekhyun hugs Jongin like it was a Teddy bear while sleeping

"Araso, see you ~" they ended the call and Baekhyun quickly text the address to Jongin before going down to ask permission to Mr. and Mrs. Park


Chanyeol POV

While me and my Mom was watching a TV show Baekhyun came down like he was being chased by someone and stood beside my Mom and start to play with his finger

His action speaks that he needs something, he slowly lifted his gaze to my mom before speakung

"Auntie...wo-would you mi-mind if I invite m-my friends he-here?" He nervously said that made me curious he's inviting someone?

"Of course not Baek, you can invite your friends anytime as long as you want" mom cheerfully say that made Baekhyun widens his smile and almost jump of his joy

"Oh my gosh~ thanks auntie!!" Before he could turn his back from us the door bell rang and so he quickly run to the door to open it, I just follow him by gaze

When the door finally opens, it reveal to man that makes me stitch my eyebrows...

"Auntie, this is Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin" Baekhyun announce and the two bowed their heads in sync my mom smiled at them and bow too

"Ow ~ it was nice meeting you two, Baekhyun should I prepare food for your snack?" Baekhyun quickly shook his head for disagreement

"No need Auntie, your place is more than enough thank you so much again, so excuse us for awhile"

I glare at Baekhyun who was not throwing me even a single glance, I was about to approach him but he quickly pull his friends hands and drag them up stairs

I follow them up stairs and I'm still a few steps away from his room but I can already hear their loud laughs and voice, he's having fun with that Sehun hah?


Baekhyun POV

We are laughing hardly when Sehun started to tell us the story when he first met Luhan, he said he mistakenly call Luhan as a Miss when they first saw each other and that time Luhsn gave him a hard punch and yelled "IM A MAN" to Sehun's face

We all swallowed all our laughs when my room's door open and a poker faced yet so handsome man appears behind it.

"Can I have a minute with baekhyun" he coldly said and the two just nodded so I stand up from my bed and follow Chanyeol who went in his room

When I went in I saw him standing near the study table with his arms crossed and he's still wearing that poker face

"Mind explaining?" He started that made me nervous cause there were a fierce on his deep voice

"I...j-just ask he-help from t-them" I stutter cause nervousness eats me when I made an eye contact with his fierce eyes

"Help for what?" He still didn't avoid my gaze and as long as I want to look away to avoid that sharp eyes my eyes didn't want to

"Yo-youre scaring m-me Chanyeol" my voice cracked so is my eyes start glittering, and I saw his expression changes from fierce to soft real quick

He breath deeply before looking away breaking our eye contact

"I'm sorry, go back to your friends now I will finish my homework" he said and pull the chair from the study table and sit there and start flipping the book he randomly held

I sigh before walking beside him and cupped his face with my both hands to make him face me, he was cutely frowning when I saw his face that made me smile

"You're too cute when you're jealous" I cheekily said before pecking his lips smoochy multiple time before nuzzling our nose together

"Just don't sleep beside Sehun huh?" He sounds like a child now, I just laugh and nod before living a sweet kiss on his lips and left his room.

When I arrived at my room, we started to pick some clothes I will wear for tomorrow and after that we start our endless conversation until the both of them feel asleep on my bed occupying all the space of my own bed

"Really guys? Where will I sleep now?" I talk to them knowing they will no longer respond to anything I will say cause they're dead asleep


Chanyeol POV

I was awaken when I feel my bed moved and someone snuggles towards me and with just smelling his baby like scents I already know who he was, so I pull him closer to me and kiss his forehead

"Can I sleep here? Those two shameless people didn't left any space for me" he cutely ranted

"Well thanks to them cause they made you sleep with me tonight" he chuckles before snuggling his face to my neck comfortably

"Yeah, thanks to them...goodnight yeol" he said and before I could answer back his small snores let out from his slight opened mouth

"You didn't even gave me a goodnight kiss, be thankful you're so adorable and I love you" I capture his lips even though he's sleeping and kiss him for just few second before pulling him closer to me again

"Next time don't steal a kiss from a sleeping person again" I heard him say that made me stiff for a while

I thought he was already sleeping? I just chuckle from embarrassment and let my sleepiness eats me...

I'll make you happy tomorrow my Byunie ~

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