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Chanyeol POV

feeling the breeze brush my face, I smile to the own beat of music created by my mind. Driving with the windows down was never too trash than car closed and a loud music banging inside the car

"Daddy, are we there yet?" Yeri ask while tugging on the hem of my shirt

"Just a little more baby, just hold the flowers tight and never let a single petal fall from it" I said and keep her in place and safe embraced by the seat belt and flowers on her lap

It's been four years since the biggest conflict on my life happened, and it's been four years since I was blessed with a child...

"Oh I wish he would like these, I really pick the most attractive flower there so I hoped he'll be happy with these" this talkative daughter of mine said as she observe every detail of the arranged flowers we had bought a while ago

"I know he would, I know him too well" I half-sadly said keeping my eyes on the road  for the final turn of the car before stopping right where we are supposed to be few minutes ago

"Finally daddy! Come on please unbuckled me now, I can't wait to give this to him" she excitedly said trying to unbuckle the seat belt on her own but of course she couldn't so after swiftly removing mine, I reach on her and unbuckled her

"Now come on you little me" I pinch the edge of her nose before going off the car and then on her side to carry her along with the flowers on her arms

Just a eighty steps just like how I memorized it, away from where we came from, we arrived at the front most beautiful human being I've ever seen in my life...

I placed my daughter down, and kneel just right in front of him "look we bought this for you" Yeri happily said and placed down the flower beside him or should I say...right beside his name

"Hey,'s been a long time doesn't it?" As I traced his name with my fingers, my heart can't help but to clenched as my mind keep replaying every feature of his face and how his slender fingers matches with mine... "Daddy you're crying again..." I was snap out when Yeri reaches my cheeks and wiped my tears

"I just missed him baby, you also do, don't you? So go on tell him everything what happens to your school today" I sat down crossed legs and settle her in my arms as she begins talking to the tomb in front of us...

Just like every week of going here, she talks none stop about everything that happens to her, like how she mixed the two color and creates another color or how she hides when she broke the remote and the time she teaches her friend how to ties the ribbon of the shoes.... Everything like she was talking to a living person that chooses to listen to her blabbering

And after I guess an hour of talking, she finally finished and bid her good bye to him...

After guiding my daughter to standing up from my lap, I kneel down and lean towards the tomb and kissed his engraved name 'Park Chanhyun'

"Daddy misses you a lot baby" I whisper and give a final glimpsed on him before walking towards our car again

"I'm sorry Mr. Park, but we tried saving your son but he really can't able to live with just being a five months old inside your husband's stomach he was still lack of some organs to live, I bet you were reminded that they may be twins but the other one was two months later than the other" The doctor explains but non the less, the only thing that insert the giant's mind was 'his son already passed away'

Not being able to stand it, he walk pass the doctor and barge in the emergency room, his eyes first landed on two premature babies, one on the incubator and the smaller one the almost have the same size as his palm was lying lifeless on a flat clothes surface beside the incubator

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