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Baekhyun POV

I can't find then urge to hug him back cause I froze cause of the words he had it possible he also like me? Or not?

"Baek, please don't say yes to Sehun he...he likes someone else...I know it...he will-"

"What are you talking about? Why would I say yes to Sehun?" I pull out from his hug and give him a confused look, cause I'm really confuse on what he is saying right now

"I heard we're talking to Jongin and you said Sehun ask you to be his boyfriend" I suddenly stop for a while before bursting out to laugh

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT! HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE STALKING ME!" I tear up cause of too much laughter and I holds my tummy that hurts now

"Yah! Why are you laughing? And...I am not stalking you! I just heard it! As if I like you to stalk you" Well his words stops me from laughing

"Tch! Arraso! You don't like me! Then don't, and don't bother anymore I will just ask Sehun to tut-" I was not finish talking yet when he give me a deadly glare that made me gulp

"I said and that's final!" He firmly said

"Why?" I ask and it looks like he's thinking for a good reason to answer me

"Cause I'm way more smarter than him, and I don't want you to bother other person, it will just annoy that's it...goodnight"

He quickly opens the door and about to leave, but something inside me urge to pull him I did, I grab his wrist

"Wh-what?" He ask

"I...uhm...why did you kiss me that time?" I nervously ask, even though I know that kiss was just nothing, it's either he just feel like doing it or he just want to give me false hope

" was...aish!  Just forget it. It was nothing really!" He said like protesting, well even though I expect that answer from him, it still hurts and it really bad!

I didn't wish to get my first kiss from someone who doesn't love me back, I always dream of getting my first kiss in a romantic way...but it was ruined

I just nod almost tearing up before turning my back from him and walking to my bed, but before I slam my self to the bed I speak for the last time first

"Why did I expect you will also love me back, I'm so stupid...Chanyeol please just stay away from me, and I will do the same...and don't worry I'll talk to mom, we will be moving out from here" and with that my tears started to fall and I quickly wiped it and slam myself to my bed

Why am I crying? It's not like he said something insulting to me, I'm so stupid...really stupid

I heard the door closed, so it means he already left that made me cry even more, knowing he doesn't care for me even a bit....

But suddenly I felt arm snake around my waist and a hot breath to my nape that made me startle and stop sobbing   instead of panicking I calm when I smell his scent....

"Don't leave...I'm not asking you to leave, I just don't want to ruin some else relationship..."

I rolled back to face him, and look into his almond shaped eyes

"What relationship? You're really misunderstanding it...Sehun and I are completely friends, and that thing you heard, it wasn't me whom he is asking, it was his long time date Luhan"

I explained looking directly into his eyes, I expect him to answer but instead he pull me tighter and closer to him amd bury his face on my neck

"If that my boyfriend Baekhyun"

I almost choke after hearing his words, thankfully I didn't so I gather myself up first before responding to his not question but statement

"Is that for real?" I waited for him to answer my question but I received none but his hug to my waist is getting tighter, just enough to give me warm like my burning face right now...

"You don't need to ask again, you're my boyfriend now, there's no turning back...but don't expect to much from me" he said closing his eyes maybe cause of too sleepiness

Is this a dream? Somebody pinch meeeee ~ somebody wake me up! Wait noooo! Don't wake me up!!!!

I squeal inside me, and instead of asking him again that may cause him to get it back I just hug him back and closed my eyes....but I opened it again cause something comes up to my mind

"Ch-chanyeol-ah....can yo-you kiss me again?" God shame on me!!!! I blush so bad after saying that

"Why would I?" His question makes me frown... And bit my lips to hd back my tears

"I you...aish neve-" without making me finished talking he pressed his lips into mine, it was a short kiss without our lips moving but I feel all my blood runs up to my face

"Yes, you're my boyfriend so don't over think...sleep now" when he pull out from our hug I suddenly feel empty so before he could turn his back I grab his hand

"Ca-can you stay? I'm afraid"

"Of what? You have slept for almost months now, and there's no ghost here" He sit beside me while I'm still laying

"It's not that! I'm afraid that I will wake up and you take back what you've said" I pout as I said those words, he said no words but he lay beside me again and let me lay my head on his arm and encircled it around my waist

"Sleep now, it's already late" I smile and closed my eyes...

Kyaaaah! The luckiest night of my life!!!! My long time crush is now officially my boyfriend!!!! I cannot!!!! I will seize this moment!


A/N: please vote and comment...  I made this for those who inspires me 😊😊😚

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