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I was about to stand up and confront them when Jongin holds my hand and shook his head like telling me 'don't dare' so I sit back and narrowing my eyebrows as I still have my eyes to the two of them...

Chanyeol met my eyes, he didn't flinch seeing my deadly stare to him instead he smile a bit amd continue walking still with that girl beside him!!!

"You saw that? He didn't even bother approaching me! Aish I can't believe him!" I angrily said and start to stomping my feet away from my table and walking directly to our class room but I suddenly stop and went back to our table and grab Jongin's hand and drag him along with me

"Come on let's just go to our next class!" I said as I drag him along with me but someone blocked our way and I was about to whines when I noticed it was Sehun

"Hunnie ~ I miss you!!" I slightly jump to hug him to his neck making him slightly stumbled

"Yah! Shorty! Calm down! Come on I have something to tell you" he pull me amd Jongin along with him and I can see Chanyeol looking at us with a glimpse of anger on his eyes tch! That's for making me jealous you giant!

Sehun seriously drag us along just to tell us that he and Luhan are now in a relationship and I almost sue him cause Jongin and I got scolded because we're 15 mins late to our next class how I wish he got scolded too

I got home 'alone' because my oh so genius boyfriend who doesn't know what boyfriends do didn't bother wait for me so I ended up going home alone

My mom is still at our mini resto working there so is Yoora noona and Mr. Park so it means it's just me, mrs. Park and Chanyeol is in the house for a moment after greeting Mrs. Park I headed to my room to change my clothes

"Byun Baekhyun!" I flinch and almost had an heart attack when someone talks behind me after I closed my room's door

"Yah!! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I whines at him as I placed my bag down and walk to my closet grabbing some clothes to wear ignoring the giant's presence behind me

"Go to my room after changing, you will start your tutoring now" with that he get out of my room

"Tch! Now you're the one who's mad?" I made face before locking the door and change my clothes

I slammed myself to my bed and snuggles to my blanket and closed my eyes feeling the warm of my bed makes me sleepy

"I don't wanna be tutored by a cheating giant elf" I mumbled to myself before covering my whole body with blanket


Chanyeol POV


I stand up from my study table's chair and walk in his room again, and there I found him snoring like an old drunk man, I rolled my eyes before sitting beside him

"Wake up!!" I start poking his fluffy cheeks and start forming his nose as a pig's nose that made him moan like a puppy and scratches his nose

"Wake up or I'll pour water to you" well it works he slowly opens his eyes before sitting up and scratches his eyes

"What!" He grumpily said

"Get your lazy ass up we will start reviewing, you made me wait for 30 mins, you're choosing to sleep over studying? I can't believe you"

He just shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the study table and sit there still half asleep

I walk towards him and turn his chair around to face me, I kneel down I'm front of him to level our faces

"Still sleepy?" I softly ask to him, he just nodded and placed his head to my shoulder his face's facing my neck so I could feel his warm breath on my neck

"Chanyeol-ah do you love me?" His husky sleepy voice makes me shivers plus his breath on my neck

"What made you ask that?" I ask as I lifted his head and made him stand up and I sit on the chair and made him stradles on me, it's funny how it's not awkward for the both of us

"It' know...I - uhm..why were you with Nana that time? didn't even approach me" he's like a child that's having a cute tantrums towards his mom who did not buy him a candy

"In short you're jealous?" I smirked when I know I was right

"Yes" he murmured as he look away with a slight blush on his face

"So, that's why you almost ride on Sehun's neck that time? Trying to make me jealous hmn?" He just nodded like a defeated child, it's really cute when he's like this

"Well, knowing that no one can steal your heart from me and I know you liked me that much to not bother finding anyone else, so why would I be jealous?" I confidently said as I circles my arms around his slim waist

"Yah! Sometimes you need to be jealous! I want to see you being jealous you know that!" He whines at me

"Why is that?"

"Cause jealousy is one of the biggest proof to know if someone really loves you" he explained like it's one of the most important lesson I must know

"Is that so? Well, I'm sorry I don't know what's the feeling of being jealous, never felt it before" with that he gave me a judging look as if I said some weird things

"Tch! Stop looking at me like that! And let's end this topic and eat downstairs before proceeding to our reviewing!" I was about to push him but he hugs my neck and smiled like an idiot

"What now?" I ask almost sighing

"Kiss me first" he points at his lips that is pouting being ready to be kissed

I sigh and leans over him but then someone barge in his room that made me stop...

"Baek- Oh! Sorry I didn't know you were busy doing something...just go downstairs if you're done, just make sure you make it two" My mom teasingly said before making a tip toe to exit Baek's room

"MOOOM!!" I yelled as she closes the door and gave Baekhyun a 'see what happens' look

"What!?" He play innocent while slowly getting up from my lap but I pulled him back and quickly captured his lips and closes my eyes before moving my lips he's not responding at first but sooner he move getting the rhythm of my lips our passionate kiss is getting deeper until....

"NOT TOO LOUD LOVEBIRDS!!" I heard Baek's mom and mom said in chorus

"Come on let's go down before our moms create something wild on their minds" I said as I grab his hand and give him a last peck before exiting his room and went downstairs

"Finish already?" Mom teased us

"Mom stop!"

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