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Baekhyun POV

I was awaken by a sunlight flashing on my face, I slowly open my eyes blinking it repeatedly to adjust my sight

I stare on the air for few seconds before deciding to stretch my arms and legs and as I stretch my arms I hit someone's face that causes me to be startled and look at my side

I cover my self with a blanket I grab from my side before peeking on my side again

Gosh!! Why is this giant so handsome early this morning!!!!

I stare at his face like memorizing every inch of it, how can someone be this handsome when sleeping, his messy hair, his half closed eyes, his half opened mouth slash pinkish and kissable lips, and his pointed nose that suits him well

I moved my hand and letting my index finger reach his forehead and trace it going down to the bridge of his nose and down to his lips, thankfully he didn't move a flinch and he's still sleeping soundly

"Giant ~ you're so handsome, I can't believe I'm marrying someone like you one day" I whisper trying not to wake him up

I place my palm on his cheeks and pouted and lean towards him ready tp kiss his lips...but then he moved and turn around back facing me so I end up kissing his back

"Yah!!" I whines and slap his back not minding if he's already awake or not

"It's rude stealing kisses from someone who's sleeping Baekhyun, and besides your breath still smell like morning so better brush your teeth first"

I must say I got turn on by his husky deep morning voice know what this rude giant just said that I'm having a bad breath!!!

I place my palm I'm front of my mouth before breathing out to check my breath if it really stinks

"Yah! Park Chanyeol my breath doesn't stinks and how dare you insult me! You should be used to this kind of things! We're getting married soon!" I complain and hit his back for the last time before sitting up because of annoyance to him insulting me early this morning

I just heard a chuckle from him as a response, that's it? He won't say sorry? Or console me? Hah!! Seriously!!! I'm really annoyed!!

I throw my legs to the side of the bed ready to get off the bed only to be stop with a long arms circling around my waist

"You really whines too much don't you?" He said as he leave feather like kisses on my exposed shoulder

I try removing his arms around me but it end up, me being slammed lightly to the bed again and him on top of me

"Get off me now Chanyeol, I'm going home" I firmlybsaid and stare directly to his eyes for him to know that I'm still mad

"Why do you sound like a pregnant woman? Hmn?" I blushed with the words he has spoken, but I shake my head to removed my blushing and smile on my face

"Are you dumb? I thought you we're a genius! Me? Pregnant? In your dreams! And I won't get pregnant cause we still haven't done it yet!!" I said and try to pushed him again but this heavy giant still manage to be on top of me and look at me with a teasing look

"Then let's do it" he was about to lean down on me and I know he was about to kiss me so I quickly turn my head sideward so he ended up kissing my cheek

"Yah! Why!?" He whines just like me a few minutes ago

"I thought you don't want to kiss me because my breath stinks" I poutingly said and crosses my arms

"Look at me" now I can't find emotions on his voice that made me nervous and quickly look at him

"Wh-what!?" I nervously yell at him when I saw nothing but poker face on his face

Instead of responding he capture my lips with his, I close my eyes and just moved my lips I'm sync with his, his one hand reached my hand and interlock it with his while his other hand went on my head and brush my hair

I start to suck his lower lip and pull it lightly making him moan and make his grip on my hair tighter, and a while later it's my turn to moan softly cause of his tongue exploring every corner of my mouth and sometimes sucking my tongue and my lips for his advantage to hear my embarrassing moans

And I never knew when I started to be drowned by this deep and passionate kiss because I just found myself reaching the hem of his shirt and start pulling it up...and it cause him to pull away from the kiss

Were both panting and still staring at each other's eyes, and that's when I realized what I have done when Chanyeol speak

"Not yet Baekhyun" he said and nuzzles his nose to me and removing his self on top of me and occupied the space beside me

And because of too much embarrassment, I throw myself on his side and burry my face beside his neck

"God it's so embarrassing!! I'm sorry" I mumbles on his neck and he just chuckle before pulling me closer to him

"It's okay, we'll do it someday anyway but not today...not until we got married" he said and turn his side to me to face me still hugging me

"Chanyeol can I ask you something?" I pull my head out from his neck and look up to him

"Sure" he said and kiss my forehead

"How many kids do you want to have?" He paused for a while like he was imagining something

"Honest speaking, as long as I can release sperm then I won't stop making child, but because even I release load of semen in you, it won't produce child anyway"


Chanyeol POV

I knew that I choose a wrong word, because after I said those when I saw his expression, I saw pain, pity and disappointment on it as he bit his lips and slowly nod his head

Such an idiot Chanyeol!! Why did you even said that

"But I'm not saying that I regret having you nor wanting to be with a girl, because one Baekhyun is already an equivalent of a hundred children"

I said trying to comfort him and shower him with a peck on his cheeks and thankfully those expression fade only to be replaced by a sweet smile

"Mianhe Chanyeol-ah"

"For what?" I ask even though I know what he means

"For not being able to give you a child someday" he sigh before making his head lay on my arms

"I told you it's okay, and besides there's this thing called adoption so why worry?" I said and caresses his shoulder using my thumb

"But isn't it more--"

"--enough with this, let's go down stairs now it's almost afternoon and we haven't eat our breakfast yet"

I pull him up before this topic could go any further, what's important now is that I know who I want to end up with...

After fixing our selves we went down straight to the dining table and I regret going here after I saw who was sitting there...


My story's getting boring isn't it? 😭😭

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