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Third person POV

after a long traveling, they finally arrived at the place, it was a nice almost evergreen place where all you can hear is birds chirping, chickens sounds, a slight sounds of the tall grass that was being blown by a refreshing air

"Are you sure your house is here?" Baekhyun questioned because when he look around, there was only one large house in the middle of the vegetation...

"Definitely!" Chanyeol happily said that made Baekhyun confused because there was no one around

He doesn't know Chanyeol's kin was already standing behind them...

"Finally my grandson is here!" An old lady start to speak that made Baekhyun yell in surprise and he quickly hide behind Chanyeol like an afraid puppy

"Mama!! Papa!!" Chanyeol used to call his grandparents that, he gave a loving embrace to the two oldest before grabbing Baekhyun's hand

"How was your trip? I bet you're hungry and tired why don't we get inside?" The old lady continue and was about to lead the way to the house but Chanyeol stops her

"Mama, this is Baekhyun my boyfriend" Chanyeol gladly said but unfortunately his grandma just nod and continue walking inside the house followed by the old man which is his grandpa

"Chanyeol!!!" The both of them were startled when they heard a bunch of girls shout behind them

"Who are they?" Baekhyun who is now so confuse that suddenly there we're bunch of people in this place where a while a go was it was so empty

"They're my cousins, hey guys come here I want you to meet my boyfriend, this is Baekhyun..." The taller introduces his boyfriend before introducing his cousins to him

Baekhyun POV

"Good afternoon, I'm Byun Baekhyun it was nice to meet you all" I bowed to them one by one that my hips almost break cause I guess they're more than fifteen or more than that

And all of them were girls!!!!

They all circles around me like I'm a criminal and examines my whole figure that made me so conscious of myself

"Yah! Stop it guys, you're scaring him" Chanyeol interlock our hands again and pull me closer to him

"Oppa, your boyfriend doesn't look bad, but he doesn't fit to you" OUCH!! one of his cousin says that... And it made me frown that I almost want to yell at her face but unfortunately I CANT!!! I have to act good to them...

"I said stop, go inside already mama is already waiting inside" Chanyeol firmly said and start dragging me inside their house

When we arrived inside we went straight to our room to settle our things, I was not surprise to see two beds in our room, like it was so obvious that they don't want Chanyeol to be with me...

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol ask while he was putting our clothes inside the small cabinet beside his bed

"Yeah, I already expect this to happen"
I sigh deeply before laying on the other bed back facing him

"Are you tired?" He ask again and I can feel his movement that he's walking towards my bed and I just hummed I'm response

A little later I feel the bed moved and soon I feel his long arms circles around my upper body pulling me closer to him

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't brought you here" he whisper to the back of my head

I turn my body to face him, I hug him laying my head comfortably on his arm before looking up to him

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