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Chanyeol POV

"No Byun Baekhyun! I said I don't want to!" I almost yelled at him that made him glare at me and pout so bad

"Waeeee!! What's wrong with this couple clothes! It's cute!!" He whines back and still insisting to hand me that shameful clothes, not to be so harsh but who on earth would wear those kind of clothes!!!

"I won't wear it and that's final! Tell me who will wear a jumpsuit with ripped jeans and a childish designed shirt!!" My voice sounds so frustrated now cause were arguing over this clothes for almost half an hour now

"But we prepare this last night for almost an hour just thinking of you wearing this matching with me it will be the most adorable thing...I think..." He murmured as he slumped his self to his bed

He crosses his arms and really? He pout again like a kid being scolded, tell me who can resist that? But I still wouldn't wear that clothes

"Don't use your aegyo to me, it won't work you know..."

Few hours later....

"Palli!!! The movie is about to start! Come on" Baekhyun keeps pulling me to walk faster but I'm too embarrass right now!!!

"It's still half an hour before it start you know! And don't be so excited you look like a kid in a playground!" He stop pulling me and smile to me like he's teasing me and I hate it

"Ohhh ~ my Yeolie is so cute when being shy, come on its not that bad!! You look more handsome and cuter right now" he pinch my cheeks before interlocking our hands again and drag me with him again.

Well guess what I end up wearing those clothes he wants me to wear, you know why?


After I said his aegyo won't work he fished his phone from the side table beside his bed and start dialling someone's number

"Hello? Sehun-ah are you free today?" Right after I heard Sehun's name I quickly grab his phone and end the call

"Fine I will wear it!!" I grab the clothes from his hands and went in to his bathroom

End of flashback

After finding our seat inside the cinema which is at the middle and upper part of this cinema we settled our popcorns and drinks before facing the huge screen which commercials are still playing...we're too early that's why, and there's no one except us was here

"Chanyeol-ah why is it not starting yet?" He whines as he lay his head on my shoulder

"The movie will start at 10 am Baekhyun and it's just 9:40 am you we're too excited that's why!"

"It's because you might change your mind if wearing our couple clothes so better be early" I just rolled my eyes and let him hugs my arm as he lay comfortably on my shoulder

After twenty minutes of waiting the movie started, the movie he chose was entitled 'the fault in our stars' I heard about this movie amd they said it was a great love story

And I also feel that Baekhyun's head gets heavier sign that he was already sleeping...

"You choose a great movie yet you were sleeping?" I ask even though I know he won't hear me, I just chuckles seeing he's half open mouth while sleeping

"That's because you woke up too early this morning you smurf" I just kiss his forehead and let him travel his dream land and I just focus on watching the movie

Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now