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Baekhyun POV

"Kim Jongin!!" I yell when I saw him walking on the hallway with a huge smile on his face, he just wave when he saw me and jog towards me

It was our first week in school and this kkamjong didn't attend classes for three days and didn't even bother telling me why

"Mind telling me why you left me for three days alone with Taeyeon?" I crossed my arms when he arrived in front of me still wearing a huge smile on his face like am idiot

"Sorry Kyungsoo brought me to their province and let me met his relatives" he stated like it was the sweetest thing in world and his cheeks flushed red while saying his sentence

But it was nice to hear that he's being accepted by Kyungsoo's family now...but he still have some explanation to do

"Yah! Come here you have something to tell me!" I pull him inside our noisy classroom and sit on our chair that was at the back placed side to side

"What? Did you know how sweet Kyung--"

"No more Kyungsoo for now, Mr. Kim would you mind telling me why you gave a lube as a present on my wedding?" I said in a low voice that only me and Jongin can hear because it would be a caos when our classmates hear it

"Oh! So you knew what is that thing, I thought you were innocent not to know that kind of thing" he nod like he was agreeing with his self and I just glares at him and smack his head

"Aww! What was that for!?" He almost yell while rubbing the part of his head that I smack

"I didn't know that kind of thing you idiot! Chanyeol saw it!!" I whisper yell to him and I was puzzled when he grins widely and his eyes turns into thin line like he was teasing me

"Don't tell me..." He came closer to my face still wearing that look and I know exactly what he's thinking so my face turn into crimson and quickly avoided his eyes because of embarrassment

"Y-yah!! Stop it, i-its...we--"

"Good morning class" thank god our teacher arrived and save me from am embarrassment confession to this burn skinned man

"You owe some story telling to me Baekhyun" he said with a threatening look before shifting his head in front


Classes has ended and during our lunch break Jongin really forced me to tell him every single detailed of my honeymoon not even minding the word privacy he also force me to tell him that thing Chanyeol and I did

But in return he also confess to me that him and Kyungsoo almost did that during vacation...

I was walking with Jongin right now to our locker room to place there our heavy things inside our bags

When we arrived there while opening the locker I was pause by Jongin's sudden question

"Baekhyun, why are the teachers still calling you Byun? Aren't you supposed to be called Park now?" He ask that brings lots of thoughts in me too

"I...I d-dont know...maybe they're j-just not used to it this time" I forced my self to believed in my words too but I failed and just keep thinking of that question too

Actually since the first day of school I was already wondering why the teachers never call me Park Baekhyun...

And I'm have no chance to ask them too because I know they're busy with other things to answer my question so I just let it be...but still

"Baek!!! I said I'm going" I was snap out of my thoughts when Jongin poke my cheek

"O-oh alright bye~" I awkwardly wave at him because I'm still invaded of those questions

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