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Third person POV

Chanyeol walk towards the dining table frowning while still holding tight onto Baekhyun's hand

"What brings you here Ma?" The giant asked standing in front of the old lady

"Why? Can't I visit my family here?" The woman innocently

"You visiting us was fine, but bringing Dara with you? Really Mama?" He hisses and slumped his self in the chair after letting Baekhyun occupied the sit beside him and across the old lady and Data

"Chanyeol, what's wrong with Dara being here?" Mrs. Park ask even though she knows how much anger Chanyeol have towards the two woman sitting across him

"Fine! There's nothing wrong with that" the giant said in a sigh tone sign of giving up from the argument

On the other side Baekhyun doesn't know how to act and feel having a sharp eyes staring at him, so the smaller just bow his head to avoid any eye contact to the old woman

Everybody start taking their foods and only Baekhyun has not cause of lost of appetite but his giant fiancé decided to dig a spoonful food and position it in front of the smaller's mouth asking him to take it

"Y-yah! That was to much!" Baekhyun shyly whines and try to remove the spoon in front of his face

"Then eat, if you don't I'll be the one who will feed you" Chanyeol teased as if no one was around them

The old lady fake cough to get the couple's attention, and when the two break the gaze from each other the old lady decided to speak again..

"So, Chanyeol have you think about it yet?"

The grandma said as she chew her food and it made the hint frown even more

"Mama I didn't even agree with that and besides I and Baekhyun are engaged already"

"WHAT!?" The old woman and Dara says in union that gives flinch to Baekhyun and to Mrs. Park

"Yes, so please bring that girl back to the province" the giant coldly said and continue eating

"No! You're marrying Da--"

"Omma that's enough! Let my son do what he wants, he's no little boy anymore! And I won't let you hurt him anymore, and he's my son so just let him be!"

And for the first time in her life Mrs. Park shout at her mother, and for the first time in her life she disagree with her mother's decision

"Yo-you! How dare you yell at me! I'm your mother!" The old lady points at her daughter with a disbelief look

"Yes you're my mother but Chanyeol is my son so let me control him not you, and he told you already that they're getting married and that wedding is next week!" She argue making all the people in the dining table gasp in shock including the couple

"I can't believe you let your son marry a unworthy gay!" The old lady spill before harshly standing up and still galring at the couple

Baekhyun just bow his head to hide the glossy eyes because of tears that are tempting to fall down any time

"Just accept it omma!" Mrs. Park said

"Come on Dara, let's just leave this disgusting house " the old lady grabs Dara's hand to drag her out of the house

But before they could exit the door Baekhyun spoke

"Grandma! You will soon see my worth! Just wait and see" the midget said with a crack voice and eyes start to let out those tears he hold back the whole time

Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now