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It's getting too long and I know you're getting bored so next chapter would be the ending ~ thanks guys!


Baekhyun POV

After spending more time with our friends, we finally decided to go home after the clock strikes at eight

After greeting mom and dad we went straight to our room to shower and put our pajamas on

When we finally settled on our bed but still my mind keeps flying and finding its urge to finally spit out the question that has been there for a while

I remains sitting and leaning my back to the headboard with my hands twined together as I waited for Chanyeol to lay beside me

I watch his every move as he do something on the study table, and a minute later I think he's done, he get up and walk towards our bed

I keep eyeing on him that he didn't seems to noticed, he lay down beside me and move closer to hug my waist burying his face to my hips

"Aren't you gonna lay down?" He ask looking up to me

I stroke his hair using my fingers and caressed his cheeks after

"Chanyeol, can I ask you something?" I ask as I move to lay beside him and turn sideways to face him

"Hmm" he respond and start caressing my baby bump that is now bigger than a basketball

"What are your plans after graduating?" We stare at each other's eyes like being drown in each deep orbs

"I mean what course are you going to take?" I continue when he didn't answer

And after I ask again, he still remain silent and keep staring at me

"I want to be a doctor Baek"

Slightly surprise with his answer, I slowly nodded and keep my eyes on the other direction

How can I follow him in the same university when I know I can't pass the course he wanted

Yes I wanted to be in the same university and study the same course with him

But now I think it's all ruined and I have to think of the other ways on how I can be in the same class with him

"Baek..." He snap his fingers in front of my face that causes me to wake up from my thoughts

"Doctor...that's what you wanted?" I repeat and move even closer to him to lay my head on his chest and hug his torso but still keeping our baby safe in between us

"Yes, after experiencing almost loosing you, I decided to think of how can I help you when another scene like that happens in the future...and as I generalize all of it, I think to be a doctor was the best thing I could be, because in that case, I could save you or even our child when another danger occur"

He stated leaving a deep blush on my cheeks, and I suddenly forgot everything I am thinking

Time brings out his sweet side as it pass by...

"You sounds like Superman now babe" I nuzzles my face on crook of his neck where I found so comfortable, enough to make me close my eyes

"And I love how you make me feel so flutter each day" I said in a sleepy voice as sleep slowly invades me

"Yes I'm Superman and you're my Lois Lane" I heard him say before I feel his lips against mine and finally drowning in a deep sleep


Graduation Day ~


A large hall was already prepared for a bunch of students that will fill it a minute later

Seats were neatly arrange, stage were classily designed, and diplomas were rolled just like how it will be received

Slowly the hall was getting noisy as the students started to arrived wearing their best outfit which is their academic gown, which also resembles their hard work in their whole high school year

When everyone is settled on their respective places and the MC starts the ceremony, everyone throw their focus on the stage, except for one person...

"Jongin ~ I really feel uncomfortable right now!" Baekhyun whines as he rubbed his tummy circularly

"Endure it Baek, we will be called to stage last!" The tanned male whines back out of frustration when his best friend keeps complaining about something little

Minutes had pass and the MC starts calling the students from star section to received their recognition, starting from the honorable mention until it comes to Park Chanyeol who is the valedictorian of their batch

While Chanyeol was speaking, Baekhyun tried to focus on his husband but then something in him keeps distracting him

And a while later, Jongin was startles when Baekhyun tightly grip on his arm getting his full attention

"Jongin! It hurts!!!" Baekhyun scream making the crowd turn their attention on him, and even his husband that was still on the stage

When Chanyeol see how Baekhyun breaths heavily and its face screams pain, without thinking twice, he run off the stage and made his way to Baekhyun

And the panicking best friend of the midget was sweating badly seeing his best friend struggle as he still look around like finding someone to help

"Aaaah!! Jongin ~" as Baekhyun keeps calling him he tensed up even more and before he could even do something

A hands lift up Baekhyun and with just a snap they disappear from his sight

"Nini what happened!!" He was back at his senses when Kyungsoo was already at his front

"B-Baek...Kyungsoo, I need to go to Baekhyun"

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