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Kyungsoo POV

"Kyungsoo, can I talk to you for a minute?" Suddenly Chanyeol approach me nothing but a serious face on him

"Yeah sure" I plainly said, so he sit on the empty chair beside me because some of our classmates was still outside our room so only few were here

"Can you please just forgive Baekhyun? I know he messed things a lot but-" I didn't let him finish his words

"I don't know Chanyeol...tell me how can I forgive him, he's the reason why I lost my relationship yet he's not making anything to make i-" this time he's the one who shut me up

"He did! He almost got raped just to wait for you early this morning to just say sorry and help you and Jongin get back together, now tell me that isn't an effort he made there!" I was taken aback from what he had said, Baekhyun did that? I felt guilty now...

I was lack of words to say right now and I just sigh and bow my head

"You know, I know few about love... But you know love is about accepting once differences, if you can't accept his diversity towards you, that isn't love at all"

The quiet and genius Park just spoken words of wisdom for the first time... Every word he had said hit me! Hit me like it was a huge truck on the road...

He soon stand up and walk to his seat, and I was left there with a load of thoughts on my mind and one of those is how will I get my Nini back


Jongin POV

I was spacing out when Baekhyun suddenly approach me with a bright smile, I just avoided his gaze and pretend that I was texting someone

No, I was not mad at him but I just don't feel like talking to anyone right now, but Baekhyun is stubborn as ever he grab the chair from the table in front of me and lean his chin on his palm *like making a flower pose*

What's wrong with this kid? A while ago when he came in the morning he look like he had cried a lot because his eyes were puffy and red, I was about to approach him that time cause of his state but our teacher came so I just shrugged it off

"Jongin-ah ~ how can you ignore your cute best friend? Don't you love me anymore?" He adorably said while still on that kind of pose in front of me

He looks like a kid who needs his mom's attention right now, if I was just in a good mood I already pinch his cheeks and smiled at him... But I'm not

I just continue scrolling random things on my phone still pretending to ignore him

"Okay, ignore me as long as you can, aren't you feeling bad that I almost got raped this morning cause I wanted to get your Kyungsoo back" he mumbles that his voice almost cracked

My eyes widens hearing that out, I quickly shoved my phone to my pocket and look at him with a worried look

"What happened? Where? Why? Who!?" I almost yelled at him but I don't care I was so fucking worried to him right now

"Yah! Calm down, I'm boyfriend save me" he giggles and patted my shoulder

"Tell me what happens" I coldly say as I lean back to my chair and watch him like I was waiting for him to speak

"You see, it's my fault why you two broke up so I feel like I need to fix it so I made a plan that I won't tell you, and early this morning that it's still dark I was walking to the bus stop when a guy grab me and almost rape me... So that's all"

He lazily stated that he also has that lazy expression on his face and I can't help but to smack his head really hard!!!

"Awww! What was that for Kkamjong!"

"Pabo!! Byun Baekhyun never do that again!! Arg you pabo kid, it's not your fault okay? And you don't have to do that, if Kyungsoo was for me faith will find ways" and this time it's him who smacked my head as hard as I did

"Pabo!!! It's you who is pabo here! Faith? My gosh Jongin, nothing will happen if you both don't do anything, don't be so lazy ass get yourself together and get Kyungsoo back!! Imagine how long you had dream of him and now you'll just give up?"

Baekhyun click his tongue multiple times before standing up not waiting for my answer,

Where did Baekhyun get that words? I just chuckle cause it's the first time Baekhyun spoken intelligent words to me


Third person POV

It's end of the class Baekhyun quickly grab Jongin's hand that made the latter shock

"Yah! Where are you taking me?" Jongin was trying to pull his hand back but the little one was gripping on his hand tightly

Before Jongin could even protest even more Baekhyun already stop walking or he should say running

"Rooftop? Really Byun? What are we g-"

"Shut up and just go in" Baekhyun push the tanned skin male inside the rooftop and close it after

Without Jongin's knowledge Kyungsoo was also there and is also dragged there by Chanyeol


Baekhyun POV

I was holding the door knob tightly just in case any of them will tempted to leave at least they couldn't, I leaned my ear on the door hoping to hear a little of their conversation

"What are you doing?" I was startled by a deep voice behind me

"You scare me!" I spat towards him and lean my ears on the door again

"Baekhyun leave them alone, they need some privacy you know" this giant really is a kill joy

But thanks to him that he manage to talk to Kyungsoo without me knowing what he have said to him, but still at least he got to convince that mini penguin to go here

I pull my ears from the door and let go of the door knob, before walking to my giant and hug him on the waist

"Fine! Let's go, oh! Anyway thank you" I tip toe and peck his lips

"Just be thankful that I love you" he cupped my face and nuzzles his nose into mine making me giggles

"Oh well thank you, and...I love you too" with a last peck on the lips we decided to go home, I'll just talk to Jongin tomorrow about what happen today


Crappy chapter? Well sorry, and let me tell you a secret guys...ChanBaek isn't just my inspiration on making boyxboy fan fiction, my friend/my ex suitor who now turn into gay also is my inspiration... He was brave enough to confess that his a gay

He's handsome and so is his crush 😭😭

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