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Chanyeol POV

when I went home my mom greeted me with a smile, but because I was not in the mood, I just bow to her and walk straight to our room

A minute later my mom walk in our room, she keep asking where Baekhyun is, and what happened, but I didn't bother answering her because my mind was occupied by the thought of what if Baekhyun continue the examination to his body? And what if that doctor were a pervert

Half an hour ad still Baekhyun was not yet home, it alarms me and so I went out of our house again to find him

Believed I went back to the hospital in such a hurry hoping that he's still there waiting for me to come back

But he's not there anymore, the doctor said that he already left and he was crying

That gives slaps on me, I made him cry again...

I went home sweaty because I a lso search for him around the hospital street hoping he was there, but I found no one so I decided just to come home


"He went here, but he's going home now" I read Jongin's message to me that makes me relieved

I changed my sweaty clothes before going down stairs to grab something to drink

But I found Baekhyun stepping on chair, what the heck! What if he falls, I silently walk towards him and stand behind him

"Don't dare do it" I said making him startles and step out of the chair, I pull the chair from him and put it back to the table

"What do you want" I ask when I face him again, I was giving him a cold treatment I know, its because I can't believed he i is willing to show his body to other guy

"Chocolate" he simply answered and avoided my eyes, am I hurting him? Cause his eyes says it all

I grab what he wants and went back in our room, I lay in bed and grab a book I've been reading

A little while I heard the door opens and closed indicating that he enters the room, I saw him walk on the edge of the bed

But I didn't gave him a glance, but I stop reading and just wait what he will do next

" to me please" he mutter with a cracked voice, honestly it was tearing my heart too hearing how he cries for our stupid arguments

I closed the book and look at his eyes, it was full of tears, I want to hug him now, but other side of me was telling me to just stay in my place

"I'm sorry" he said again, and his crying was getting harder, I just continue staring at him and said nothing

"It hurts Chanyeol, d-don't be mad hurts m-me"  despite of his hiccups cause of too much crying he still manage to say it

And that's it... I cannot see him crying longer anymore

I stand from our bed and walk towards him, he seems not to see me walking to him cause he was closing his eyes while crying like a baby

He open his eyes and it seems that he's a bit shocked to see me standing I'm front of him

He stare at me for a while before hugging me on waist so tight enough to let me breath

"Please don't be mad anymore...I'm sorry, please Chanyeol I swear I didn't do it, don't act cold to me anymore"

I smile with the thing I heard, he didn't do it and it makes me hug him back tighter and sniff the good scent of his hair

"I'm sorry for making you cry again, stop crying now" I mutter to his head and kiss his temple and still hugging his whole frame

He leans his head on my shoulder and his face facing my neck, and he's still hiccupsing from his crying

"I love you" he suddenly said making his head comfortable on my shoulder, and when I look at his face, he's closing his puffy eyes and cheeks were pinkish and same as his nose

"I love you too" I kiss him in the forehead and lifted him up to make him straddle on my waist

I walk towards our bed and lay him gently on it and I smiled when I hear him already snoring like a puppy

He whimpers and move like he was searching for something but his eyes were  still close

I chuckle and lag beside him and pull him closer to me, just like what I expected he's looking for warmness

He snuggle towards my chest and tangled his legs with mine, I wrapped him with my arms and after putting the blanket on us

I kiss his forehead and caresses his tummy knowing that maybe our child was mad at me too for making his appa cry

"Sorry for making you appa cry, daddy was just upset but we're okay now, forgive daddy hmm? I love you both so much"

I said while caressing Baekhyun's tummy even though it doesn't show any baby bumps yet

After that, I pull Baekhyun even closer to me and put my chin on the top of his head and quickly drifted to sleep


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