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Baekhyun POV

When I arrived in school I quickly find my best friend and there I saw him at the school library secretly staring at Kyungsoo who is busy reading since we still have 10 minutes left I quickly grab his hand and drag him somewhere near our room

"Yah yah yah!!!  Byun Baekhyun hang on!" He protested but I don't care I need to tell him this

"Jongin-ah I need to tell you something! Please just don't spread it, and don't shout when I already spit it out okay? An-" he cut me and also, he look puzzled by my words

"Just say it"

"I am living under the same roof with the Parks" I whisper to him and as expected his eyes widens and already about to scream but I covered his mouth right away

"Calm down, breath in breath out and listen to me first" he then inhale and exhale before he nodded

"You see, our house had been demolished and fortunately my mom and Mrs. Park are best friends so when they saw us on tv they decided to take us with them and let us lived with them"

"So that means... Oh my gosh!!! You can see the half naked Ch-" I quickly covers his mouth before he could say it

"It's a secret so shhh! And let's go we're going to be late"

We walk to our classroom and all the way he keeps teasing me about it I expect this to happen and when I mentioned Kyungsoo well that's the time he stop and start bragging about Kyungsoo

Jongin POV

Our professor keeps on discussing while everyone is just keep on counting on how much time left before lunch break and when the bell rings I stand up and grab Baekhyun's hand and drag him to canteen quickly

"Yah! I haven't put my books in my bag yet what's with the hurry?" He said while putting his book on his bag

"Baekhyun-ah please help me find my love" I stretch my neck up finding Kyungsoo I'm a crowded canteen

"Jongin he's there!" He points at the canteen's door and there he is walking out of this place so I followed him quickly and Baekhyun followed me behind until we stop at the school garden we stop behind a bush ad watch Kyugsoo sit and bring out his books and foods

"So we will just watched him like this?" Baekhyun questioned

"Just wait, I am going to ask him out today right now and there's no turning back" by that he gasped and squeal silently while gripping on my uniform

"Omg!!! I can't wait! Fighting Jongin-ah!" I nodded and do the fighting pose and get off from that bush

Baekhyun POV

I watch Jongin finally approach Kyungsoo as I was still hiding behind this bush and silently fan girling over them when Jongin finally sit beside Kyungsoo I can't help to squeal again but I cover my mouth for them not to be disturb

"Yah! What are you doing?" I was startled when someone talk behind me

And when I look who it is, the man of my dream perfectly standing behind me or should I say towering me

"Are you stalking them?" I was awaken from my thought when he speak again, I quickly stand up and dust off my pants

"Why do you care? And didn't you told me, we're not supposed to talk when we're in school?" I said and crossed my arms by that he looked away and... He's blushing or am I only hallucinating?

"I...uh...this! Mom told me to give y-you this" and why is he stuttering?

"What's this?" I ask as he handed me a lunch box? What am I a kinder?

"Can't you see it's a lunch box so it's a food, pabo" he coldly said and about to walk away but for the first time I grab his wrist

"Wait...uhh... Thanks by the way" and for the first time our eyes met, I smile brightly and let his wrist go, he's about to walk away again but my talkative mouth won't let him

"Ch-chanyeol-ah, I like you so much" aish!!!!! Why did I say that again is one rejection not enough? Huh Byun Baekhyun!!

I lowered down my head to hide my blushing face and waited for him to answer

"I know, since freshmen year? I'm not that numb to feel it, you stalk me all the time isn't it?" My eyes widens and my face turn into crimson when I heard his amswer

"Re-really? You kn-knew?" He just chuckles yes he chuckle!!!! Omg music to my ears and he nodded before he walked away for real

I was left there with a crimson face and a thumping heart, omg Park Chanyeol talked to me and he fvkng chuckles to me YES TO MEEEEE!

"BAEK! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!" I was snap out when Jongin yelled at me

"Jongin omg!! Park Chanyeol talk to me!" I squeal and shake his shoulders

"Omg!! Guess what! Do Kyungsoo said yes to me!!! But not as my boyfriend but still he will go out with me!" We both squealed there like a girl not minding everyone around us


Classes ended and I was walking alone all the way to the locker room, yes ALONE cause Jongin left me he said he will wait for Kyungsoo on the gate, hope they would finally turn into something

I finally reach my locker, I put my books into my locker before locking it again and I was about to get out of this room when three girls get in my way

"'re the slut who lived with our Chanyeol" what! How did they know? And their Chanyeol? Excuse them he's only mine! Mine alone

"Have nothing to say? Oh I forgot you're on the lowest section so you're too slow to get what we're saying" the other one said as they step closer to me and as I keep stepping back

"So you lived with Chanyeol? Answer us bitch before I slap your ugly face" WHAT ME UGLY? OW COME ON!!!

"Who are you calling ugly! Have you ever look at the mirror? Ow I see you haven't cause you're too afraid to see your clown face" I answered back to them and when we're about to slap me...

"Stop it!" Someone talks behind them that made them stop

"Bullying is a crime you know? So leave him alone before I tell the principal about this" and with just a second the three little pigs I mean girls went out the locker room

"Th-thank you" I shyly said and awkwardly smile and when I look into his face OMG he's handsome!!

"That's nothing what's your name by the way?"

"Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun is my name" I reach out my hand waiting for him to tell his name

"Mine is-"

"Baekhyun! " he was cut when someome again talk behind him

"Ch-chanyeol, why?" He didn't reply instead he grab my wrist and drag me out of the room

Living Under The Same Roof [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now