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Baekhyun POV

After our dinner is over and we both went to our own room, and still out parents wasn't at home yet...

I was currently reading my reviewer when my phone beep signaling that someone texted me, I opened it and saw my mom texted me

From Mom:
Hyunie, mom will take overtime here at resto, might as well I'll just sleep here so just sleep well and don't wait for me, love u baby

I sigh deeply knowing my mom will overworked herself again even if she doesn't have to

To Mom:
Alright mom, just don't get tired too much and don't forget to eat and rest well too, love u too mom!

After replying my phone beep once again I thought it was my mom again but this time it's Mrs. Park

From Auntie:
Hey Baekie, Uncle and I will be flying to Jeju tonight for some meetings , so Chanyeol and you are in charge to the house...goodnight

Ps. Don't make too many babies *wink*

I blush hardly reading the last words she had texted, and just with the thought of me and Chanyeol will be alone the whole night? Dream come true for me.... Yah! You're being byuntae Baekhyun!!!

After replying to Mrs. Park, u decided I will tell this to Chanyeol, so I went out of my room and when I was about to knock on Chanyeol's room... Yoora noona went out from her room

She's here?

I smiled and bow to her as she walks towards me... And her outfit seems not suitable for bed

"Baek, I'll be out with my friends tonight just take care of my baby brother hmn? Byee ~" without waiting for my response she quickly went out of my sight

It's weird that all of them have reason to be not in the house tonight... Aish!!! Just be thankful that you're home alone with your boyfriend Byunie ~

I snap my byuntae thoughts out and knock on Chsnyeol's room but with a three knock he's still not answering the door so I knock again

I wonder what his room looks like...

By then still no response so I twist the door knob and push the door open carefully to not make any sounds, I tip toe as I make my way inside his dimmed room, the only light that was on is the light from his study table

I roamed my eyes around trying to find him but I see no Chanyeol around, where is he... I shrugged my shoulders and decided to just went back to my room but when I turn around I shout my heart out from what I saw

"Huwaaaaaaahhh!!!!!!!" I screamed not minding if the neighbors will be bothered, there was a tall figure standing right in front of me, but before I realize I just scream because of Chanyeol, yes it was just him

"Yah! Why are you shouting!" He cover his ears and narrowed his eyebrows, so I stop screaming and slap his arms

"You scared me you giant!! Aish! Don't do that again!" He just chuckles and he walk pass me to turn on the lights

And when the light invaded the room, I regret opening my eyes after adjusting my eyesight... Fucking hell Chanyeol is just wearing sleeveless and boxer short!!!!

"Stop drooling, so why are you here?" I quickly closed my mouth that almost drool over his sexy appearance and fix my composure and tried to not look at him to avoid stuttering

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