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Third person's POV

A week after the exams, the names of the top 100 who passes the exams was already posted on the bulletin board of the school, everyone gathered around the bulletin to see the names of the passers...


"Nooo! Don't pull us! I still don't wanna see! I'm not yet prepared!!" Baekhyun whines while holding into the door frame to prevent being drag by Taeyon

"That's right!! Give us some time to think!! We're still nervous!" Jongin added and grip tightly on Baekhyun's waist to prevent being drag by Taeyeon too

"Come on guys! It's not like you will see your names there? Like duh! It's impossible, I'm just curious about who made it to top one this time..." He ranted as if she was saying duh the whole sentence

"Of course it's my Chanyeol!! Who else could it be!" Baekhyun stated and started walking his way to the bulletin

"It could be my Kyungsoo too! So excuse us!" Jongin says and follows Baekhyun

"Whatever ~ I thought they don't want to... But look at them leaving me alone " Taeyeon just sigh at follow the two males


Jongin POV

When we arrived in front of the bulletin, Baekhyun directly went on the first list for sure looking at Chanyeol's name there...

But I went to search my own name first....hoping it will be there to be officially be my Kyungsoo:s boyfriend.

It's almost the end of the list but I hadn't find any Kim Jongin listed here and my hopes are slowly fading away....

"Kim....KIM JONGIN!!!!!  KYAAAH!!!  I MADE IT!!!! I MADE IT!! IM ON 100TH LIST!!!!" I shouted making all of the students look at me but I don't care, I jump and clap all my joys out

After releasing my happiness I started to find Baekhyun out of the small crowd but he's no where to find....

"Congrats!" I was startled when someone pats my shoulder, when I look back my smile grew bigger and I can't help myself to hug him...

"Kyungsoo!!! I made it!!" I said and he just hug me back and nodded

"So....we're official now?" I softly ask still hugging him

He didn't answer me, instead he drags me along with him and take us out of the crowd, he stop pulling me when we reach the rooftop where nobody usually stays...

I was shocked when he pull my neck down and the last thing I knew is I felt his soft lips against mine before I closes my eyes to seized the moment...

"You're my boyfriend now Kim Jongin" he said after kissing me and I was just there still frozen and still processing what just happened....

"Yah!! You don't like it?" He crossed his arms and frown

"I do! Of course I do! I know...youre my boyfriend now" I shyly said and scratch my nape... Why am I being shy around him suddenly

"You're so cute!" He said before hugging me on waist and placing his ears near my heart as if he's enjoying listening to it's fast beats


Chanyeol POV

Classes ended but I still can't find Baekhyun... I haven't saw him the whole day, where could he be?

I saw his best friend Jongin so I made my way to him

"Jongin-ah!" I called him and he stop right away and look back to me

"Oh Chanyeol?" He says and take a few steps to come closer to me

"Have you seen Baekhyun?" I ask as I noticed Kyungsoo is also with him

"I have not seen him since we saw the top list on the bulletin, I was finding him too, I thought he went to you" he answers

"Okay, I see anyway thank you and congrats!" I saw them both blush before I walk away from them and start heading to our home

When I arrived home, I was welcomed by a total silence when I went on the sala I saw my mom frowning... So I sit beside her and pats her shoulders

"You alright mom?" She look up to me and nodded

"But our Baekhyunie is not...go to him he needed you" she sadly says as if someone has died

"I'm not going up until my sunshine mom went back" i said to cheer her up, and she slowly lifted her head again and smile brightly to me...

"That's way more prettier" I said before kissing her forehead

"Frowning is not for someone like you mom! So excuse me I will just fix something up there" I stood up and went up stairs walking I'm straighly toward Baekhyun's room

And there he is, sitting on the floor, hugging his knees, leaning his back on his bed side while staring at his so called 'Chanbaek to do list'  and still wearing his school uniform

He noticed my presence so he looked up to me but he look back to the notebook again after giving me a short glance and I hear him sigh

I place down my bag and walk towards him, I crossed sit in front of him as I take away the notebook in front of him and place it on his bed

"Mind telling me what's with that pouty lips and a long face?" I said as I pull his hands along his waist and make him straddles on me and placing his both arms around my neck as I circles my arms around his waist

He look at me directly in the eyes, and I saw nothing but sadness in there...

"I did not make my name to be listed on the bulletin board" his voice almost cracked and tears were tempting to fall down from his lovely eyes

I sweetly smile to him before kissing his eyes "what's new about that?" I teasingly say and he soon frown again

"I know I always cannot make it there... But not this time" there was really a bitterness in every word he speaks that made me feel guilty

"I'm just joking, I'm sorry" I hug him kissing his temple

"Now everything I've worked hard will be wasted...and everything I planned for our date was ruined" he childishly whines and tears started to flow from his eyes and I just can't help but to chuckles cause of his cuteness

"Stop crying now you cry baby!" I said but he didn't stop instead he just cry harder and his nose and eyes started to get reddish

"Yah! I said stop or I won't take you on a date tomorrow" with he stop but still sniffs and start wiping his tears like a child

"Date? *sniffs* you mean...*sniff* you will still date me? *sniff *" he blushingly ask

"Yes, so if you don't stop crying and changed your clothes I will change my m-" before I could finish my words he quickly went off me and grab walk to his closet and grabe some clothes before entering the bathroom

"Such a cutie ~" I mumbles before walking out to his room and walk in my room to change my clothes too



Sorry I was really busy I have tons of report to do...

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